Another cancer diagnosis! Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson has malignant melanoma

The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson admitted that receiving the diagnosis of malignant melanoma came as a “shock” to her and thanked the “many messages of love and support” received, in a message posted on his Instagram account.

“I have been taking some time for myself because I have been diagnosed with malignant melanoma, a form of skin cancer, and the second in less than a year after being diagnosed with breast cancer last summer and having undergone a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery”says Ferguson, Prince Andrew’s ex-wife, in her message.

Detection thanks to surveillance

The mother of princesses Eugenia and Beatriz considers that “it was thanks to great vigilance” shown by her dermatologist that melanoma could be detected.

“Naturally, another cancer diagnosis has been a ‘shock’ But I am in good spirits and grateful for the many messages of love and support,” she says.

breast cancer

The official spokesperson for the former sister-in-law of King Charles III reported that she had been detected the new cancer, which could be identified after having a cancerous mole removed during the treatment that the Duchess was already undergoing for breast cancer that was detected last summer.

That spokesperson noted that the dermatologist at The former daughter-in-law of the late Queen Elizabeth II “asked to remove several moles and analyze them, at the same time that the duchess was undergoing reconstructive surgery after her mastectomy, and one of them has been identified as cancerous.”

Sarah is “incredibly grateful” to her medical team and believes that her experience “highlights the importance of checking the size, shape, color and texture and emergence of new moles that may be a sign of melanoma.”

2024-01-25 18:25:22
#cancer #diagnosis #Duchess #York #Sarah #Ferguson #malignant #melanoma


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