Alejandra Valencia from Sonora Ranked Second in World Archery without Firing a Single Arrow in 2024

HERMOSILLO, Sonora (Codeson).- Without having shot an arrow in 2024, Alejandra Valencia from Sonora was placed as the second best archer in the World Archery (International Archery Federation) ranking, which represents the highest status of her career in that world list.

Last Tuesday, January 2, the governing body of archery worldwide, published on its social networks the update of the places in the different modalities, where Valencia Trujillo appeared in second place on the women’s recurve table.

Therefore, the three-time Olympian and bronze medalist in Tokyo 2020 is tied for second place in the World Archery, next to the American Casey Kaufhold, only behind the South Korean Lim Sihyeon, who started the year at the top. The fourth is the British Penny Healy and in fifth position was the also originally from South Korea, Kang Chae Young.

In this way, Alejandra Valencia, whose coach is Miguel Flores, establishes a personal record since her previous best place in the ranking was third, a position in which she was on two occasions, the most recent being in October 2023; the first was in September 2017.

All this after a spectacular 2023 where he won, for the third time in his career, the gold medal at the Pan American Games, he also won three gold medals at the Central American and Caribbean Games. Likewise, she won silver in the World Cup Final in Sonora, and also won a bronze in the World Championship in Berlin, Germany.

Statistically speaking, Valencia Trujillo achieved other individual marks in 2023, such as an average of 9.22 points per arrow (previously it was 9.21 in 2021), which is the highest percentage of his career, in addition, in a competition completed 679 units, falling one short of its own record of 680 (which it achieved three years ago).

Valencia Trujillo (29 years old; Hermosillo), in addition, has already secured her place in the Olympic Games that will take place in Paris, France, in 2024, which will represent her fourth Olympic performance in her career.


° Alejandra Valencia was the winner of the 2023 National Sports Award, for her brilliant performances in international events throughout last year.

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2024-01-08 21:14:49
#Alejandra #Valencia #begins #Olympic #year #archer #world #ranking


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