«You end up like Giulia Cecchettin»- Corriere.it

«You end up like Giulia Cecchettin»- Corriere.it

by Salvatore Riggio

During a youth basketball match, a 17-year-old referee was told unacceptable words by a parent: “You have to end up like the one from Vigonovo”

On the day of the funeral of Giulia Cecchettin, the 22-year-old student killed by her ex-boyfriend Filippo Turetta, a very bad story arrives from Veneto. On December 3, but the news only spread today, unacceptable words were uttered during a youth basketball match by one of the parents of the athletes playing on the pitch. The recipient? The referee of the match, who was hoped to “end up like the same thing” as the 22-year-old found lifeless near Lake Barcis. Chilling phrases, which ruined a day of sport.

The episode occurred on the sidelines of the match between the under 17 team of Camin (a district of Padua) and that of the same age group of the Cittadella Gunners. A competition directed by a 17 year old girl. A fan of the visiting team, apparently the father of one of the players on the pitch, started to insult the girl. As reported by the local press, one sentence was more weighty than the others: “You have to end up like the one in Vigonovo.” A reference to Giulia Cecchettin, who lived in the town in the province of Venice.

There were moments of tension because the 17-year-old’s father was in the stands: he asked the man to stop, shocked by what he had heard. The Federation expressed solidarity with the girl, announcing measures. The Cittadella Gunners, outraged by the affair, distanced themselves: «In light of the recent events of December 3, the club wishes to make known its deepest and most heartfelt apologies to MV, referee of the match. We also apologize to all the people who, witnessing these unacceptable behaviors, felt involved and affected. We firmly believe in the educational values ​​of respect and unity that sport can and must promote and we take a stand against any attitude that does not espouse these principles: we Gunners profoundly dissociate ourselves”, reads the statement. And again: «The incident involving the “fan”, if it can be defined as such, is an isolated case in the history of Gunners support and in no way represents our way of supporting the players and seeing basketball. We are already taking immediate action and exemplary steps to address the situation and ensure that similar incidents have no place in our future events.”

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December 5, 2023 (modified December 5, 2023 | 9:58 pm)

2023-12-06 06:58:38
#Giulia #Cecchettin #Corriere.it


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