Woman’s Heartbreaking Birthday Surprise for Boyfriend Goes Viral

Her virtual release, about a situation that saddened her, ended up provoking empathy on the networks. A woman from the United States prepared the “perfect” surprise party for her boyfriend’s birthday, although bad news at the last minute forced her to change plans.

Danielle Vizcarra is 26 years old, lives in California and is in a relationship with a young man named Kwayde. In this month of December, the man in question will celebrate his 30th birthday and his girlfriend is in charge of organizing a special day for him.

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The video. Danielle went to her account @daniellevizcarra22 to report – with tears in her eyes – that a problem had arisen with the party. “Sorry people, but I need to vent. You are my support now,” wrote the Californian citizen, dedicating the message to the platform’s followers.

What happened to the party?

His plans. Danielle, in her words, rented a “huge” house with the idea of ​​entertaining Kwayde on her day. “The house has pickleball courts (a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, paddle tennis, badminton and table tennis) and also offers a taco catering service. Everything was so perfect, it had everything he wants,” he told regard.

Danielle Vizcarra

@daniellevizcarra22 / TikTok

Setback. However, that “perfection” was affected when Danielle decided to invite 20 friends of her boyfriend. “I told them around the birthday and none of them are coming, none of them can attend. It’s heartbreaking and disappointing,” said the woman, crying in front of the camera.

The American stated that she had received help from Kwayde’s parents: “My partner’s parents contributed money for the celebration. Everything was going to go so well and he was going to love it. But none of his friends will come and I don’t dare to tell you this bad news.”

Danielle said she feels responsible for the guests’ absence: “I wanted this to be so special, but I think this is my fault. I feel like I let him down.” The woman’s story captured the attention of thousands of people. Most of them left him positive messages and also chose to offer him advice to try to find a solution to the guests’ problem.

“None of his friends will come,” the woman reported, with sadness on her face.

@daniellevizcarra22 / TikTok

The comments. “It’s not your fault that none of his friends attend the birthday. You are a good girlfriend and above all, a good human being,” one user said. Along the same lines, another commented: “You can expect one or two guests not to go to the party, but… all 20?! That’s crazy. It’s very painful to have to see the person you love being disappointed by her friends.

The young woman’s decision. On the other hand, a user suggested to Danielle that she not cancel her birthday: “Don’t tell him what happened, just change your plans, have a family dinner! Celebrate with him, his family and yours.” “.

In the end, Danielle decided that – anyway – they would go with her boyfriend to the rented house and have a day of enjoyment as a family. “We’re going to have a lot of fun,” she said.

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2023-12-12 11:22:30
#prepared #surprise #celebrate #boyfriends #30th #birthday #bad #news #forced #change #plans #Disappointing


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