Verona-Lecce: from the old twinning to its antipodes

The first stage of a small tour which over the course of four days will see me as the protagonist in three different stadiums in Italy, Switzerland and Germany, is called Stadio Marcantonio Bentegodi, where the Monday postponement between Verona and Lecce takes place at 6pm. A delicate challenge in terms of salvation, as well as a comparison between two historical fans of our panorama. In some ways poles apart in the way they experience curves and being ultras, but certainly united by a great sense of belonging and attachment to colours.

The exterior of the Veronese facility always preserves a certain charm, among its kiosks selling street food, the plaque in front of the Curva Sud which recalls “The Fallen Butei” and the stalls where scarves and flags of good quality stand out but also objects of dubious taste. Now the so-called official merchandising has taken hold here too, almost completely supplanting those sellers of often unlikely but sometimes truly genuine and truthful material that characterized Italian anti-stadium venues at least until the mid-2000s. Forgive me, it will be the passing of time and the increasingly poor tolerance of each other’s aspects that will make me regret even illegal sellers. Or perhaps it will simply be the pushing propaganda of the companies to fight counterfeiting that will make me wink at it!

For this race, approximately 1,500 tickets were sold on the Lecce side. A number – certainly also replenished by Salento residents in Northern Italy – quite respectable if you think about the weekday. Right next to the entrance reserved for the press are several police officials intent on organizing their respective police department. The atmosphere is somewhat relaxed, although there is bad blood between the two fans and a series of explosions heralds the arrival of the Giallorossi ultras in the car park reserved for them. After the incidents recorded against Napoli, the police seem to be apprehensive, so much so that after a few minutes a crowd of policemen move towards the away section, but the situation remains very calm.

I was talking about the rivalry, which for many might seem natural considering the classic aversion of the Scaligeri towards southern fans and the well-known desire of the Salento people for confrontation. Yet in the not too distant past the two factions marched shoulder to shoulder, in the name of a twinning that lasted a few years and then turned into enmity, as often happens. Friendship born thanks to contacts between some exponents of the Brigades and some students moved away at the end of the eighties and ended at the end of the nineties, when with the important change in management and insignia in the South, other historic relationships were also archived, such as those with Parma and Inter. The tensions recorded last year outside the Via del Mare, with the Ultras of the two teams entering during the match, are only the latest demonstration of the existing acrimony. And it is no coincidence that one of the first chants performed today by the guests is addressed to the people across the street, who obviously do not require any response.

The conflictual relationship with the club has visibly split and depressed the home public, who despite the salvation obtained last year in the play-off in Reggio Emilia against Spezia, saw almost entirely the loss of any type of trust and understanding towards Seven. He is blamed for the progressive dismantling of the squad, as well as poor management, which has not allowed the club to take advantage of the first, good, seasons played since its return to Serie A to make a small leap forward that perhaps the city’s footballing tradition deserves occasionally.

The two teams enter the field following the day’s ritual and reading a few lines against violence against women. Then the match begins and with it the confrontation in the stands. In one of the few Italian stadiums equipped with a roof, the fine and penetrating rain that falls does not affect anyone and gives a touch of charm to the environment. The Salento contingent starts off strong, with lots of slaps and chants in response. Typhus starts and spreads from the central area, where the Ultra Lecce. As I have often found myself commenting in recent years, even today theirs will be a proof of value. Maybe they won’t be fans who pay too much attention to current fashions or emphasize appearances, but the substance is there and can be seen/felt throughout the ninety minutes. Perched on the third tier they will loudly support a combative Lecce, who come close to winning after going behind, but are caught in the final phase of the second half.

On the Scaliger front, the South starts with the now usual banners and scarves raised (also of excellent workmanship) to welcome the entry of the teams, continuing with a performance made up of ups and downs and focused on the classic Veronese repertoire. To be honest, compared to the last time I found myself in their presence, I noticed a little more difficulty in involving the entire sector, except for those two/three choirs in which the whole stadium sings, really making a nice impression. What I want to underline instead is, as always, the audience in the stands: rude, angry, noisy and participatory. In short, everything that would be needed to give us back a minimum of hope and attend the stadiums with more joy. But also what the right-thinking gentlemen of television and newspapers mainstream (those who always talk about “fringes”, as if they were hairdressers!) would like to perpetually condemn and eliminate. And do you know what there is? Long live stands like those of Bentegodi or of Franks from Florence!

As mentioned, on the pitch the two teams were awarded one point each by virtue of the final 2-2. A result that perhaps displeased the guests more, who had anticipated the three points at 2-1. For me there isn’t much time to waste and despite the annoying rain I set off breathlessly towards the station. Porta Nuova is the last postcard of this November Verona, now the railway runs towards Milan, from where my journey beyond the Alps will begin the following morning.

Simone Meloni

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2023-12-07 18:00:00
#VeronaLecce #twinning #antipodes


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