Unlocking the Power of Rhyme: The Van Dale Rhyming Dictionary

Van Dale Rhyming Dictionary

Words rhyme with each other if they have the same rhyme ending. The rhyme ending is the last full vowel (not a toneless e) plus all consonants and any toneless e’s that follow. The rhyme endings of plus, at in consonants are respectively us, at in inkers.

Rhyme is about sound. The rhyme ending of sidewalk sounds like aar and that rhymes with stretcher in guitar. The rhyme ending of computer sounds like otter and that rhymes with floundered in scooter. The rhyme ending of umlaut sounds like out and that rhymes with triplicate, incrowd in licorice.

To rhyme properly, you must take into account the stress of the word and the number of syllables. The Van Dale Rhyming Dictionary will help you with this, because it sorts all rhyming words found by similarity of stress and number of syllables.

You can choose from two word lists: Standard and Extended. The best matching rhymes are always at the top, under the heading ‘The best rhyming words for…’ This is followed by the less well-matching rhymes under the heading ‘More words that rhyme with…’

Be sure to look at the bottom of the list. There are usually a number of expressions that can give a poem, song or verse an unexpected, playful and original character: sintNothing ventured nothing gained.

It may of course happen that you enter a word that does not appear in the Van Dale Rhyming Dictionary file. If you type an ‘old’ spelling, e.g. pancake of productionthe program corrects automatically.

This rhyming dictionary is new and therefore there may be some imperfections here and there. We will update and update the dictionary regularly.

2023-12-14 23:19:03
#rhymes #BADMINTON2520EN2520IT2520IS #rhyming #words


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