Transfers: Perfect change: RB Leipzig signs Eljif Elmas

Transfers change perfect: RB Leipzig signs Eljif Elmas

Eljif Elmas (l) moves from Naples to Leipzig. photo

© Alessandro Garofalo/AP/dpa

DFB Cup winners RB Leipzig are bringing in midfielder Eljif Elmas from SSC Napoli. The North Macedonian could replace Emil Forsberg – but would have to make some changes.

RB Leipzig has completed the transfer of Eljif Elmas. As the DFB Cup winner announced, the midfielder comes from the Italian champions SSC Napoli and has signed a contract with the Bundesliga club until 2028. The North Macedonian will cost around 25 million euros in transfer fee.

Elmas could follow Emil Forsberg in Leipzig, who celebrated his Bundesliga farewell at Werder Bremen on the last matchday before Christmas after 325 competitive games and is moving to New York. However, Elmas was used both in Naples and in the national team in central midfield and therefore somewhat more defensively than Forsberg. At RB, the national player would therefore have to change a bit.

The 24-year-old recently lost his regular place in Naples. In the season so far he played 16 competitive games for the Italians, but was only in the starting line-up four times. The midfielder is currently out due to hamstring problems. Elmas has played 52 international matches for North Macedonia and scored 12 goals.

On January 2nd, Elmas is scheduled to travel to the training camp in La Manga (Spain) with his new teammates. On January 13th, the fourth-place team continues their Bundesliga home game against Eintracht Frankfurt.




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