Tragic Death of Young Man in Albano: Autopsy Ordered to Determine Cause

ALBANO (news) – Perhaps a sudden illness, an autopsy has been ordered

A boy of around 30 years old was found dead in his home on the second floor of a public building in the center of the populous town of Castelli Romani, this morning at dawn.

An ambulance from 118 intervened on site, called by his partner, and confirmed the boy’s death, together with a squad car from the Genzano police station, sent from the operations room of the Rome Police Headquarters to carry out the necessary investigations.

The medical examiner of ASL Roma 6 carried out a clinical examination on the body, which appears to have died due to a sudden serious illness, perhaps a heart attack.

The magistrate on duty at the Velletri Prosecutor’s Office, however, ordered an autopsy on the 30-year-old at the Tor Vergata polyclinic to establish the exact cause of death and the preventive seizure of his home for further investigations. As judicial procedures require in these cases.

“We were shocked at the news of the death of our neighbor – said a resident of the very populous condominium. He was a good boy, he worked at the Albano cemetery, every morning we saw him going to work, we also know his partner well, who this morning she became aware of his death. We are close to his family and are now awaiting the date of the funeral so that we can give him our last symbolic affectionate hug. A neighbor who had never given anyone any problems, reserved, kind and always ready to lend a helping hand to everyone in times of need.”

2023-12-25 20:45:17
#Albano #Laziale #year #dead #home #partner #morning #dawn


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