The participants discuss their first ‘Karma ranking’ – In Search of Nirvana

The participants discuss their first ‘Karma ranking’ – In Search of Nirvana

Yoli Claramonte and Iratxe Soriano They do not hide their bad vibes, especially in tests. In the first of them the contestants were already ‘itching’ and they made clear their intention to go all out, finding Nirvana and adding money to their teams. However, it is not the only animosity that exists in the group nor the only disagreement that there will be. In the next chapter, Iratxe will end in tears… and she will not be the only one.

Besides, new and fun tests They will leave us with ‘great moments’ in ‘In Search of Nirvana’, such as the moment in which Mahi Masegosa, Cristo Contreras, Yoli Claramonte, Christofer Mateo and Inma Campano arrive at a place where you can hear rats running around.

2023-12-04 23:18:20
#participants #discuss #Karma #ranking #Search #Nirvana


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