The Magnificent Rione a Porta Sant’Angelo Wins First Race of 2023 Palio in Perugia1416

The Magnificent Rione a Porta Sant’Angelo, holder of the 2022 Palio, wins the first race of the 2023 palio, that of the historical archery at night, followed by the Magnificent Rioni of Porta San Pietro, Porta Sole, Porta Santa Susanna and Porta Eburnea.

The first competition of Perugia1416 was held on Friday evening during the Country Festival, which took place in the garden of the Monumental Complex of San Matteo degli Armeni in an evening which also saw tasty challenges between the districts, music and theatre. Today (Saturday 10 June) at 5.30 pm it will be the turn of the Mossa alla Torre, the second race which will see the 5 Rioni compete and climb the final score for the awarding of the Palio 2023. An exciting race, prelude to a highly suggestive, that of the entrance of Braccio Fortebracci, which will take place in the dark, around 9.30 pm, in Piazza IV Novembre, in turn followed by a show by the Piccolo Nuovo Teatro, well known for its stilts and its fires.

The culmination of the 2023 Palio is scheduled for Sunday 11 June, the last day of the historical re-enactment underway in the historic center of Perugia and organized by the Perugia1416 Aps Association. The last two decisive races are scheduled for tomorrow afternoon: the Grand Historical Parade and the Corsa del Drappo. Everything will take place in just over 2 hours with the departure of the Regency Procession from the Perugia1416 headquarters (located in via Oberdan 50) at 5pm, followed by that of Braccio Fortebracci which will leave from Piazza Italia along the entire Corso Vannucci to rejoin the other in Piazza Grande (Piazza IV Novembre). Here the meeting between the two processions will take place and the first black Prior, of the Noble College of Merchandise, will welcome Braccio as the new lord of the City by handing him the keys to the city under the Griffin, symbol of Perugia. Immediately afterwards (at approximately 5.40 pm) the five districts, interpreting the unique 2023 theme, will parade in the order of the previous edition’s ranking. The Grand Procession in honor of Braccio will start from Piazza della Repubblica, cross Corso Vannucci to arrive in Piazza IV Novembre. The 5 Rioni will be judged by the Jury for their historical relevance, interpretation and scenography. The Grand Procession will continue with the parade, in order, of the guest delegations: Montone (Donation of the Santa Spina), Gualdo Tadino (Games of the Doors), Camerino (Sword Race and Palio – Soavi Allegrezze dei Da Varano – Aspidum Sagittas); Senigallia (The Solemn Entrance), Visso (Tournament of the Guaite), Todi (The Challenge of S.Fortunato – Arcus Tuder). The Gubbio flag-wavers will open the procession. For the entire duration of the procession this must not be crossed, therefore, together with the National Gallery, those who are headed to see the exhibition on Perugino are invited not to cross it, possibly taking alternative routes.

Immediately after the Grand Parade, the Drappo Race will begin, the third and final sporting race. The athletes will run in the ring between Piazza IV Novembre, Corso Vannucci, Piazza della Repubblica and back. The Drappo Race is a speed and endurance relay that involves four changes per team, one per lap, for a total of five laps. During the competition, the parade jurors will deliver their evaluations which, added to the scores of the sports competitions, will decide the name of the winning district of the Palio 2023 who will be awarded on the steps of Palazzo dei Priori. The re-enactment will end with a general celebration in the taverns of the districts and in the restaurants of the historic centre.


Rione Porta Eburnea

Archery: Marco Crisantemi, Tiziana Crocioni, Mirco Micucci.

Move to the tower: Alessio Steri, Giovanni Ferretti, Luigi Gagliardoni, Matteo Vacca, Paolo Macchioni, Fabio Beccari, Umberto Pelliccia, Stefano Nicolini (infantry), Roberto Frattini (marshal).

Banner race: Davide Focardi, Emanuele Perri, Filippo Cimarelli, Francesco Patumi, Mario Cetrini, Stefano Marri.

Porta Sole district

Archers: Licia Penchini, Marco Bocchini, Giuseppe Cambiotti.

Move to the tower: Giacomo Vetturini (marshal), Andrea Tedeschi, Federico Mencarelli, Sikri Medi, Michele Mencarelli, Massimo Bisciaio, Roberto Contardi, Alessandro Ceceroni, Aldair Tarko, Daniele Marconi, Niccolò Ceccarani.

Banner race: Samuele Bovini, Michele Agostini, Gabriele Presciutti, Marco Pierosara, Michele Mondani, Emanuele Vitaj, Enrico Nume, Stefano Zangarelli, Paolo Bartoccini.

Porta Santa Susanna

Archers: Antonietta Battistoni, Carlo Allegrucci, Mauro Ragni.

Move to the rook: Massimo Mezzetti, Francesco Caruso, Gabriele Settesoldi, Fabio Posti, Davide Lilli, Daniele Rossetti.

2023-06-10 07:00:00
#Perugia #archery #test #Magnificent #District #Porta #SantAngelo


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