The Integrity Tour from Lega Serie A and Sportradar stops in Salerno – Sport Marketing News

The Integrity Tour from Lega Serie A and Sportradar stops in Salerno – Sport Marketing News

L’Integrity Tour 2023the initiative, now in its ninth edition, promoted by Lega Serie A, Sportradar e Institute for Sports Credit aimed at strengthening the culture of legality in the world of football and spreading the true values ​​of sport, today it stopped in Salerno.

This morning, at “Mary Rosy” Sports Center, in fact, the meeting took place with the First Team and with the Primavera and Under 17 teams of Salernitana. The main objective of this initiative, which involved footballers, coaches and managers of the Granata Club, is to educate and train all athletes, from the youngest to the most experienced, on the seriousness of the match fixing phenomenon, to combat sports fraud and ensure the smooth running of competitions.

During the workshop the lawyer Marcello Presilla, Head of Integrity for Italy at Sportradar AG, explained to members the phenomenon of match fixing in all its forms, illustrating the risks and consequences and outlining the profile of the so-called “fixers”, criminals who try to involve footballers in sports scams with every possible means, putting them in danger their careers and the very credibility of the football system. Presilla then examined with particular attention the problems related to betting violations and the correct methods of use of social media by footballers.

“We are firmly convinced that football and sport are a very important transfer, especially towards younger people, of the right ethical principles, the values ​​of legality, education and respect – declared the CEO of Salernitana, Maurizio Milan -. Meetings like today’s represent a fundamental moment for the correct training of our athletes, who are a symbol and a model for many, and to combat those phenomena and those dark areas that have nothing to do with the sport we love”.

The Integrity Tour will continue in the coming weeks with meetings in all the Italian cities that host Serie A TIM teams, with the aim of raising awareness among the protagonists of the top Italian football championship on the importance of legality in sport.

2023-11-30 11:30:04
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