The Essential Role of Peque Schwartzman’s Girlfriend in His Life

Why is Peque Schwartzman’s girlfriend essential in his life?

Diego Schwartzman, known as El Peque, is part of the generation of top 100 Argentine tennis players born in the early 1990s, along with Federico Delbonis, Guido Pella, Facundo Bagnis, Juan Ignacio Londero and Federico Coria, among others.

His training took place at the Hacoaj Yacht Club and he reached number 8 in the world in the ATP ranking. Among his most important victories are triumphs against Top 10 players, such as Rafael Nadal at the Rome Masters in 2020; and Dominic Thiem, whom he beat at the 2017 Canadian Masters, at the 2019 Argentina Open and at Roland Garros 2020.

At 31 years old, he recognizes that he had to calibrate his level of self-demand and that although he feels 20 years old, his body gives him signs. “The intensity with which we compete and live day by day makes you realize that time has passed,” she said.

Schwartzman admitted that routine is part of his daily life and that, even on vacation, it is difficult for him to relax from those habits. “I have been accustomed since I was very little to having schedules, to training, to being neat and orderly.”

Schwartzman: “I had to learn to relax and stop being so demanding of myself.”

El Peque explained that “the weather is essential in tennis” since, since it is such a small ball, the wind, the height or even the sun are variables that the elite athlete must take into account as part of their performance.

“When there is sun, the field is drier. That makes it skate much more and be much faster,” she noted about the conditions that can be found on the brick dust surface.

“Rafa, who is normally known for his acceleration, benefits because it makes the ball go faster and hit higher. He doesn’t really like to play when the day is cloudy or rainy because the ball hits lower and his shots have less effect,” Schwartzman explained.

“That ability was worth his entire career. She feels unbeatable on brick and it is very difficult to keep up with her precisely because of the acceleration and the bite that the ball has,” she concluded.

Peque: “My family can’t stop thanking Euge because I became much more sentimental since I met her.” (Instagram)

In love and happy, Diego highlighted the support he received from his girlfriend, Eugenia, during these last years. He said that their relationship strengthened during the pandemic while they traveled the world undergoing coronavirus detection tests so they could cross from country to country so that he could compete.

He also acknowledged that she encouraged him to be more expressive with his feelings toward his family and friends. “People close to her value that a lot about her. That she helped me put ‘I love you’ and ‘I miss you’ into words,” he admitted.

Leo: —How long have you been together?

Little: —Four and a half years.

Leo: —How much does Eugenia help in your career and in your life?

Peque: —My family can’t stop thanking her because I became much more sentimental since I met her. The tennis player becomes very cold over the years because we leave home very young and everything that involves expressing emotions, feeling far from home, you begin to keep inside and you build a very strong sentimental shell.

Leo: —Euge made you more sentimental, less cold…

Peque: —More human in that sense and also when traveling. It helped me get out of the routine of going from the club to the hotel and from the hotel to the club a little bit. Start walking and get to know a little more about the corners of the world that tennis is taking you to.

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Given Leo’s proposal to put together a “Frankenstein” with the best characteristics of tennis players in the world, El Peque designed a version taking into account not so much physical aptitudes but general skills.

“From Roger Federer I choose presence, elegance. I don’t take a hit from him because he is inimitable,” he warned. While for “Rafa” he wanted to have “the aggressiveness and passion that he brings to him” and for Novak Djokovic “the perfectionism and his ability to follow the natural, the organic, take care of himself and respect the body a lot.”

Of the Argentine tennis players, he chose the style of Mariano Zabala. “When he was a kid he had that smile with the bandana and the hair,” he joked. Although he did not miss the opportunity to take Gaudio’s “one-handed backhand” and his “ease in looking for a fun bitch.” “People had a lot of charisma when he did that and then ended up winning,” he recalled.

“Juan Ignacio Chela was my coach for about 6, 7 years. From him I take away a mixture of passion and dedication that transferred very well to me. Understand where, when, how and always give 100 percent and, when you are not at 100 percent, know how to say it,” he reflected. To close, David Nalbandian chose “how he represented Argentina in the Davis Cup.”

Diego: “I am used to having schedules, to training, to being neat and orderly since I was very little.”

Tennis and other sports have some demands in terms of physical qualities. Height is one of them. Although the ATP among its requirements establishes that players must be over 1.70 meters. By just a few centimeters, Schwartzman became the exception to the rule.

This happens in many disciplines and, as Diego himself mentioned, it also happened with Facundo Campazzo, an Argentine basketball player who, at 1.78, was one of the shortest in the league, but managed to stand out through effort, talent and charisma. .

“When you lack some sporting characteristic you have to fill it with other virtues and we were able to fill those gaps. I think people saw that, they valued it and we showed it both on and off the court, surrounding ourselves well, training and leaving many things aside,” she remarked.

However, the tennis player recognizes that the discipline was changing like other sports, based on science and knowledge of the physical, mental and nutritional care that athletes should have.

“Those who are very tall also found that their mobility was difficult and they were more prone to injury. That began to disappear thanks to incorporating techniques, science and habits. Now many 2 meters move like a gazelle. It is a matter of covering the gaps that may arise,” said Schwartzman.

Random Quiz with Peque Schwartzman

Leo: —¿Pizza or pasta?

Peque: —Pizza

Leo: —Would you rather be immortal or invisible?

Peque: —Immortal. I’m a little terrified of death.

Leo: —The greatest fear: death.

Peque: —Yes, the thought that this will end at some point. It gives me an anxiety attack (laughs). I would like to live several lives in one. I imagine that as an old man at some point you say: “Enough is enough. I do not want more. “This has to end.”

Leo: —What is your place in the world?

Peque: —The Argentine south. It seems like I know a lot of places from traveling, but not as many as I would like.

Leo: —You know many hotels…

Peque: —Hotels and small places in the world.

Leo: —If you could choose to never be in hotels again. Firms?

Peque: —Yes, all my life. In fact, when I go on vacation I am prohibited from going to a hotel. Enough of going down to breakfast on a schedule, they are making your room. It’s very pretty all year round, but that’s it. It’s what I do every day.

Leo: —Complete the sentence. I never…

Peque: —I could be a River fan.

Leo: —Sometimes…

Peque: —I like to have a glass of Fernet. The classic 70-30.

Peque: “When you lack some sporting characteristic you have to fill it with other virtues.” (Gastón Taylor)

Leo: —When I grow up I want to be…

Peque: —Happy and healthy.

Leo: —Do you want to be a dad?

Peque: —Yes. With Euge we both have it in our plans. Not now. But we do have it in mind.

Leo: —Would you rather be unfaithful or be unfaithful?

Peque: —That they are unfaithful to me.

Leo: —Do you prefer to have three arms or three legs?

Peque: —Three legs. The man relates it to something else.

Leo: —How would you define yourself in a single word?

Peque: —Demanding, I think that for a long time this led me to be much better than I could have been and this year it led me to suffocate a little. I pushed myself so hard that there came a point where there was no more space and I got very tired. I had to relax and stop being so demanding of myself, understand that things also go the other way.

With 18 years of profession, El Peque is already thinking about his retirement and the multiple paths he seeks to open for when that happens. “From the age of 13, regardless of age, the routine is the same. Then, that desire to do other things awakens in you and I am between three or four areas, learning and trying,” he concluded.

Interview with Peque Schwartzman by Leo Montero – RANDOM
2023-12-20 04:42:00
#Diego #Peque #Schwartzman #Random #pushed #hard #reached #point #room #enjoyment


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