The Caldén de Plata awards- honoring the best athletes in 35 disciplines

The Caldén de Plata awards- honoring the best athletes in 35 disciplines

The event will begin at 10 p.m., at the Argentine club of Santa Rosa and with broadcast by Public TV Pampeana, as detailed by the president of the Circle, Mario Chaves, the secretary Fabricio Barbero and the undersecretary of Sports, Ceferino Almudévar, in the presentation .

The dynamic will be the same as always: the Caldén de Plata – the best in each of the 35 disciplines – will compete for the five Ranquel and from this last group the Gold will come, which in 2022 went to the karateka Federico Hussein, who forms part of the nominees in the discipline this year.

In addition, there will be the traditional awards Lito Maldonado (Sports Merit), Juan Carlos Vega (Sports Career), Carlos Reynaldo Jaeckel (Sports Revelation); Alfredo Dalmiro Otálora (Best Veteran); Raúl Isidoro Arballo (International Career), and the Sports Constancy Award.

On the other hand, there will be 15 special distinctions for athletes who have not been among the shortlists (11) and those with Olympic Projection (4).

Tickets will have a value of 10,000 pesos – they include entrance, dinner, dessert and drinks – and will be on sale at the Casa del Deporte (Escalante 640) starting this Wednesday between 6 and 8 p.m. with the exception of the holiday on Friday the 8th. Those interested in To reserve them you can contact 02954-15516510.

Ulises Miranda – Motocross, Realicó

The shortlists

In Chess: Joaquín Llanos, Lautaro Lugones and Pablo Ruiz.
In Athletics: Joan Checovich, John Olivera, and Sergio Rausch.
In Motorsports: Héctor Lotto, Pedro Pratt, and Matías Hernández.
In Basketball: Manuel Peyronet, Catalina Llanos, and Gonzalo Yorio.
In Boxing: Aixa Adema, Julián Campanino, and Jerónimo Vázquez.
In Cestoball: Carla Gerbaudo, Fiorella Mariani, and Silvina González.
In pigeon racing: Marcelo Moseijchuk, Marcelo Grossetti, and Miguel García.
In Cycling: Santiago Roumec, Celeste Sarán, and Julián Barrientos.
In Soccer: Jerónimo Gutiérrez, Camila Rojas, and Rodrigo Martín.
In Artistic Gymnastics: Jasmine Villegas, Juliet Polimandi, and Maria Sol Fussini.
In Golf: Malena Castro, Santiago Dalla Vía, and Nicolás Segovia.
In Hockey: Brenda Pereyra, Cristian Fanzi, and Tamara Sobarzo.
In Handball: Tiziano de la Croce, Jose Gonzalezand Juliana Cepeda.
In Riding: Angel Pereira, Lucas Bustamante, and Matthias Escobar.
In Judo: Leroy Villegas, Tomás Quinteros, and Ignacio González.
In Karate: Federico Hussein, Bautista Bordón, and Valentín Cangas.
In Motocross: Ulises Corredera, Ulysses Mirandaand Alejandro Martínez.
In Mountain Bike: Carolina Solera, Omar Coria, and Mauricio Rovira.
In Swimming: José Gramajo, Martina Souto, and Bautista Figueroa.
In Padel: Belén Jubete, Patricio Cometto, and Agustín Viglino.
In Figure Skate: Camila Herrera, Milagros Yorio, and María Eugenia Dans.
In Ball to Paddle: María Laura Garay, Cristian Gebel, and Joaquín Ziaurriz.
In Power Lifting: Leila Benítez, Verónica Durán, and Micaela Acosta López.
In Rugby: Federico Llanos, Cristian Colla, and Facundo Rosales.
On Safari: Adrian Alcala, Gabriel Lopez, and Fernando Flores.
In Softball: Valentín Mata, Juan Platner, and Celeste Monedero.
In Rienderos: Danilo Blanco, Juan Carruego, and Laila Daniela Martín.
In Tennis: Máximo Spinozzi, Valentín Florez, and Valentino Paloma.
In Table Tennis: Sebastián Oppezzo, Francisco Lavalle, and Fausto Barrientos.
On Turf: William Calvent, Martin Gonzalez, and Ignatius Freites.
In Volleyball: Juan Ortegui, Catalina Arrigone, and Leonardo Herbsommer.
In Skating Race: Matthias Lopez, James Roumec, and Jokin Ziaurriz.

María Eugenia Dans – Figure skate, Realicó

José Gonzalez – Handball, Realicó

Tamara Sobarzo – Hockey, Performed

2023-12-06 20:06:29
#Dans #Miranda #Sobarzo #Gonzalez


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