The best sports to stay fit when it’s cold

The cold and darkness in mid-afternoon make us lazy and make us seek out sports to stay fit in cold weather. We lose the habit of going for a run in the morning before going to work, we don’t feel like going out to train in a park and sometimes we prefer to stay at home armed with a blanket and hot chocolate.

The best sports to stay fit when it’s cold

By changing your lifestyle in this way, however, you risk gain weight too easily. Also because, when temperatures drop, our body has a greater need to keep warm thanks to the intake of carbohydrates and sugars. Below are the (indoor) sports that are perfect for staying fit when it’s cold and not gaining weight in the winter months.


This fitness training method has literally exploded in recent years, both among males and females. It is generally very tiring, makes you sweat profusely (calorie consumption is guaranteed) and requires a lot of resistance. We are talking about a series of functional workouts, which follow the execution of natural movements and train all muscle groups, stimulating the increase in lean mass.Squats, sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups and much more: the exercises are of considerable variety and can be modified (for example, the use of medicine balls and barbells are foreseen) to never bore the athlete.
Crossfit allows you to improve elevation, power, coordination and balance. In Italy there are courses, often accompanied by motivational music, in almost all gyms.

>> Read also: 8 tips for those who want to start doing Crossfit


Simply put, it’s a high-intensity workout on the stationary bicycle. It was initially thought of as a preparation phase for professional cyclists, but it soon became a truly certified discipline. The lessons are also excellent opportunities for socialization, because they are always held in groups following the instructor’s directions. In an hour you burn almost 600 calories without stressing the joints of the knees and feet.12Spinning is suitable for those who want to lose weight quickly, but also serves to strengthen the muscles of the legs and those of the arms. It is one of the sports that improves mood the most, thanks to the release of endorphins by the brain while practicing the activity.

>> Read also: 6 tips to really lose weight thanks to training


A mix of martial arts and aerobic practices, without any physical contact with other people. This sport, in fact, involves the use of bags with a mobile base (they always remain in balance), which are subjected to the athlete’s punches, kicks, knees and elbows. It is a liberating, explosive discipline, very widespread among young people and accompanied by music. It allows you to learn some self-defense techniques and tone your legs and abdominals.

>> Read also: This is why music encourages you to do sport

Antigravity yoga

The upside down yoga that is popular in the training rooms of fitness centers, perfect for burning fat on the buttocks and abdominals. This discipline includes stretching and lengthening exercises typical of yoga, rhythmic gymnastics and dance. All of this, however, is done while suspended from a particular hammock attached to the ceiling. Obviously we do not remain in weightlessness for the entire duration of the lesson, which includes only 7-10 minutes of inversion about 40-60 minutes in total. Antigravity yoga cannot be chosen by those who have prostheses of any kind (including breast implants) and by those who suffer from heart problems or high blood pressure.

>> Read also: Yoga is as good for the heart as running or cycling

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2023-12-05 08:16:19
#sports #stay #fit #cold


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