The Astor Hotel Investigation: Uncovering Illegality and Suspicions in the Disappearance of Kata

The Astor Hotel Investigation: Uncovering Illegality and Suspicions in the Disappearance of Kata


Almost six months after Kata’s disappearance, the investigation into the Astor hotel puts a first point. Actually, two.

The first: the public prosecutor Christine Von Borries closed the investigation into the so-called “room racket”, a line chronologically prior to the disappearance of the little Peruvian but perhaps connected to that episode. Four people are under investigation, including the little girl’s maternal uncle, Abel Argenis known as Dominique.

The second: the hotel in via Maragliano is no longer under seizure. It means that now that black hole in the beating heart of the city will have to be filled in some way, to avoid further occupations. Because the illegality that reigned in the former accommodation facility, invaded with the approval of the housing movement in September 2022, would have triggered an “illegitimate activity of buying and selling the right to occupy the rooms” far from the “social” purposes that had inspired employment. According to the prosecutor’s accusations, Carlos Martin De La Colina Palomino, known as “the dueno” or “Carloncho”, together with his right-hand man Abel, the uncle of the little girl who disappeared, and two other Peruvians (Nicolas Eduardo Lenes Aucacusi and Carlos Manuel Salinas Mena , all defended by the lawyer Elisa Baldocci), would have demanded sums between 600 and 700 euros for each new entry into the hotel rooms, collected a “toll” for each visit of relatives or friends, and extorted the other occupants with constant requests for small sums motivated by the need to carry out maintenance work but which in reality would have ended up in their pockets. Furthermore, at the Astor there was a war between gangs, culminating in the episode of May 28 when an Ecuadorian occupant, to escape an attack with baseball bats and sticks, threw himself out of the window of his room at the last floor. Could this climate have triggered retaliation against Kata’s family?


2023-12-07 06:01:31
#Remove #seals #Astor #racket #trial #rooms #horizon


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