The Art of Losing: Pistons’ 16 Consecutive Defeats and Their Place in NBA History

Thursday night, the Pistons lost again. We’re used to it since they are on 16 consecutive defeats, but we still want to highlight the latest feat of the Detroit franchise, which has just been added to the glorious list of teams that have not won a single match in the space of a month of competition.

As the French Losing Federation says so well, losing is an art. Losing can be done with panache, and the Pistons have understood this well.

16 defeats in a row, including 15 in as many matches between November 1 and 30. Honestly, it’s beautiful.

Pistons results in November

In NBA history, only 12 other teams have finished a month of competition without winning a single game. Better yet, barely seven other teams have done so while losing at least 15 games over the period.

March 1982: Jazz, record 0-16 January 1985: Warriors, 0-15 December 1991: Magic, 0-15 March 1996: Grizzlies, 0-17 January 2011: Cavaliers, 0-16 April 2012: Bobcats, 0-16 November 2015: Sixers, 0-16

In addition to breaking their franchise-history losing streak, the Pistons now compete with the worst teams in NBA history. And the worst thing for Detroit is that we don’t see the end.


Source texte : ESPN

2023-12-01 10:34:00
#Pistons #win #November #wins


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