The Algeciras-Bobadilla line is interrupted due to a breakdown in a freight train |

Published by Lucía LoyarteDecember 28, 2023LOGISTICSVisits 0

The rail link between Algeciras and Bobadilla (Spain) has been affected since Tuesday at 9:30 p.m. due to the breakdown of a freight train in the vicinity of Castellar de la Frontera and Jimena de la Frontera.

Sources from the Railway Infrastructure Administrator (ADIF) reported that the Renfe freight convoy, which connects the railway terminal of the port of Algeciras with the Madrid station of Abroñigal, was stopped due to a breakdown on the main road, which caused the suspension of circulation between Algeciras and Jimena.

Currently, the link remains waiting for the railway company to remove the damaged material in order to completely restore circulation on this line. As an alternative for passenger traffic, a road transfer has been established between Algeciras and Jimena for the medium-distance link between the Algeciras town and Antequera, on the Algeciras-Bobadilla line.

Regarding the transport of goods, no links have been cancelled, since the port of Algeciras does not have any scheduled until after the Christmas holidays, after January 6. This forecast is due to the attacks in the Red Sea and the uncertainty in the Suez Canal, which has led large shipping companies to change routes and go around Africa through the Cape of Good Hope, lengthening travel times.

On the other hand, the Port Authority of Algeciras joins the Digital Transformation Consortium of the container and port logistics sector by formalizing its membership with Wisekey, the leading company in cybersecurity, digital identity and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.

2023-12-28 09:44:02
#AlgecirasBobadilla #line #interrupted #due #breakdown #freight #train


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