Thai Boxing Thrives in VfL Jesteburg: From Four to 22 Boxers in One Year

Thai Boxing Thrives in VfL Jesteburg: From Four to 22 Boxers in One Year

At the beginning there were only four of them, after a year there are already 22 Thai boxers in VfL Jesteburg, children and adults. After the start of the traditional sport in autumn 2022, coach Sascha Reusch (46) takes stock: “We have made good progress with our sport.” From the end of the year there will also be an assistant coach, Dennis Grljusic, who will support Reusch. “In this way we can better address the different performance levels of each individual and improve competition preparation,” says Sascha Reusch.

He himself came to Thai boxing, called “Muay Thai” in Thai, 21 years ago via kickboxing, after doing judo for 18 years. He got to know this traditional martial art on a holiday in Thailand in 2003, went there every year from then on, continued his education and has been a registered trainer in Thailand for two years.

With Thai boxing, the whole body is trained physically and mentally, explains Reusch. You learn how to use fists, elbows, knees and legs as the body’s “eight weapons”. It’s about self-defense, technique, fitness, strength, sense of balance, fun in sports and team spirit.

The Jesteburg Thai boxers have already taken part in their first competitions, some athletes took the tests to become “1st Khan”, and coach Sacha Reusch took the exams to become “6th Khan”. Further exams will follow early next year. Highlight at the beginning of the year: In January 2024, a Muay Thai master from Thailand will come to visit and look at the progress of the Jesteburg athletes.

If you would like to take part: Training for children aged seven to twelve is on Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Afterwards, young people and adults practice from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. In addition, young people and adults can train on Tuesdays and Fridays from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. If you would like to watch the traditional Asian sport, you can contact trainer (“Kru”) Sascha Reusch on 0176-76775329. “Beginners are also very welcome.”

2023-12-06 07:02:13
#Martial #arts #VfL #Jesteburg #Thai #boxers #stock #year


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