Ternana-Palermo: in search of the lost victory

Ternana-Palermo: in search of the lost victory

After Lucarelli’s dismissal, with the Umbrians in last place in the standings with just six points to their credit, Mr. Breda arrived and in the last round, before the international break, he took a precious point in La Spezia against a direct competitor. Today, however, Palermo arrives at the “Liberati” in third place but in a crisis of results, having collected just four points in the last five days. Crisis exacerbated by Sunday’s defeat at home against Cittadella, following which the fans rightly began to make noise.

It is with these premises that the Sunday postponement of the fourteenth matchday at 4.15 pm will be played. Despite the first cold of the season, the stands offer a nice view with almost seven thousand fans present, thanks also to the company initiative which, under the slogan: “We need you!”, put tickets on sale for just five euros in all sectors of the stadium, while 767 Palermitans were present, a seasonal record of guest fans present at the Liberati.

I arrive well in advance to savor and take in all the possible emotions that a stadium can still offer, after my classic tour I decide to enter early enough to capture every moment of both fans, so I can see the most exuberant entrance of the Palermo ultras and that of the red-green North is strangely more relaxed, although once the banners are in place both fans begin to tease each other, exchanging not exactly friendly chants.

In the away sector the various acronyms that make up the Curva Nord decide to hold the banners by hand for the entire duration of the match by placing themselves low; instead, the Curva Sud group, made up of around forty units, takes its place on the side, in the central ring.

Once the teams have entered the field, the Curva Est with the “INTACCATI” group in the front row is colored thanks to the lighting of a pair of red-green smoke bombs and a confetti from the Eighties, it’s just a shame that it is limited to the central part of the curve, but rightly, as a self-deprecating banner says, “WE ARE THESE”.

The Curva Nord, on the other hand, does nothing transcendental other than waving the flags and raising some banners, while the Palermitans, accompanied by their Roma friends who display some yellow-red flags, color the sector with flags, flags and banners as well as lighting a pink smoke bomb.

The conditions are good and in the first half the Sicilians start off really strong, encouraging the team with good choral intensity and discreet clapping, but above all they are very colorful given the high number of flags that wave throughout the match. At the half-hour mark they rejoice for the lead scored by Lucioni which explodes the sector and a few minutes later, some heroic fans decide to brave the cold by going bare-chested and remaining there until the whistle sends the teams to the changing rooms.

Moving on to talking about the hosts, today the North, at least in the first half, seems a little subdued compared to its usual, decidedly high standards, but on the other hand it focuses heavily on pyrotechnics with various torches at different moments of the match, same thing in the East where both big flash and normal torches are lit as well as smoke bombs to strengthen the chromatic note of the flags that fly constantly as much as in the North. The clapping was discreet with the East being more continuous in proposing them.

After the away goal and at the end of the first half, the North shows itself first by lighting a torch and throwing it on the grass in front of the curve and then hearing the explosion of a strong firecracker, metaphorically hoping to wake up the eleven on the pitch, however more on the ball compared to previous performances.

In the second half the North returns to its singing levels and it is a pleasure to see them so lively: continuous cheering and high intensity of the choirs, color guaranteed by the continuous waving of the flags, numerous claps to accompany the choirs and the icing on the cake, in this second half they light up 4-5 torches, especially when the team attacks, finding the equalizer seventeen minutes from the ninetieth minute with Casasola making the whole stadium cheer.

The East Curve cheers roughly on the standards of the first half: always very colorful thanks to the flags that are constantly waving, but also due to the lighting of two other torches. Several claps accompanied the choirs.

The rosanero also surprise me in this second half, never letting go and constantly cheering on the same high standards as in the first part of the race, always appearing very colorful thanks to the waving of the numerous flags and banners of the various sections scattered across Sicily. They too accompany the chants with beautiful clapping and despite the draw they cheer until the final whistle. Once the match is over, the players go to greet them from a distance, while a few whistles rain down from the away section for not being able to defend the lead despite the opponent being reduced to ten men.

The people from Terna on the opposite side, in the North, are encouraging the players for this point they conquered with great effort and for the evident progress in terms of the game, on the other side the East is not so lenient, after all the Ternana are always penultimate in the standings and to reach salvation they will have to start winning, starting from the away match in Cosenza but above all in the next home match against bottom team FeralpiSalò, to make the results tangible beyond the good intentions.

Before the exit, this time the guests chant hostile chants against the people of Terni who promptly reciprocate, then the curtain finally falls on this interesting and beautiful match experienced in one breath in the stands of the “Liberati”. When the rossoverdi fans have all left, including the two buses, numerous transits and the private cars of the rosanero fans, it will be my time too to head home.

Marco Gasparri

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2023-12-05 11:01:11
#TernanaPalermo #search #lost #victory


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