Success at the CDJ: Pontarlier Badminton club sees spike in youth participation

Success at the CDJ: Pontarlier Badminton club sees spike in youth participation

Nearly 80 young people met on Saturday November 25 for a stage of the CDJ, the departmental youth circuit, at the Lucie Aubrac gymnasium in Doubs. It has been several years since Pontarlier Badminton last organized this type of event.

The office was renewed in June, with Linda Thétis at its head. “But there are several from the old team who have remained in the club environment to support us,” appreciates the president. 110 players make up the senior squad, with four teams involved in the championship: one in the regional, one in the pre-regional and two in the departmental. “The objective at the start of the season was to bring team 1 up to Regional 1, to allow team 2 to also move up. »

“Bring more young people into competition”

On the youth side, there are 58 licensees compared to 36 last year. Those who wish can train up to three times a week. “We keep the discovery – leisure side, but we have put in place a framework to bring more young people to the competition, with seven volunteers. » An additional slot was able to be set up, “just like entertainment for adults and a family slot on Saturdays. We want to allow everyone to feel good at the club, while progressing in their playing technique. » Without an assigned gymnasium, PB players play according to availability in the Aubrac, Léo Lagrange and Augustins gymnasiums.

2023-12-03 19:16:00
#Pontarlier #lease #life #Pontarlier #Badminton


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