Success at the 31st International Odenwald Cup in Mörlenbach

Success at the 31st International Odenwald Cup in Mörlenbach

78 clubs with a total of 395 athletes from 3 nations (Germany, Hungary and Switzerland) took part.

Speyer. The 31st International Odenwald Cup took place in Mörlenbach on December 2nd, 2023. 78 clubs with a total of 395 athletes from 3 nations (Germany, Hungary and Switzerland) took part.

This tournament was the fourth tournament in which we started as a new club this year. Our six athletes were highly motivated and were looking forward to the sporting competition.

The younger of our starters were able to demonstrate their skills first thing in the morning. Elias Zwick and Johanna Noemie Gutzler took first place in their category.

Thore Holzmayr and Xenia Eckert They fought for fifth place in their age group.

David Johannes Gutzler Despite good performances, he was unable to assert himself in his field of participants and had to admit defeat after the first round.

Jonas-Pascal Liedy started in two categories. He achieved an excellent third place in both categories.

The tournament was a great success for our athletes and a nice end to the tournament year.

Our athletic director and Cheftrainerin Kim Thu Le-Nethe is very proud of everyone and is looking forward to the new competition year.

Text and image: Shotokan Karate Dojo Spira eV

2023-12-04 11:03:46
#31st #International #Odenwald #Cup #Mörlenbach


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