Success and Victory at the 32nd Issoire Badminton Tournament

Success and Victory at the 32nd Issoire Badminton Tournament

For a whole weekend, the Pierre-de-Coubertin gymnasium took the wheel for the 32nd Issoire tournament organized by USI Badminton. This year, 230 participants came from the entire region, and sometimes even further afield.

Saturday was reserved for singles, the next day for doubles. The Issoiriens managed to distinguish themselves at home with 6 series victories and 6 finals. A total success, both organizationally and on the sporting side.

Until the end of the year, minds will be turned towards the Interclubs. The association will organize its Thermo’mixte tournament in April, which will combine, for a day, games and conviviality.

USI rankings. Men’s singles: Series 1, Jean-Guillaume Chabrillat (finalist). Series 2, Gaëtan Leblanc (winner). Series 4, Thierry Masson (finalist). Series 5, Benoit Cantel (winner). Series 8, Sébastien Désirant (finalist).

Women’s singles: Series 4, Valérie Mavel (winner).

Men’s doubles: Series 1, Thomas Plutino – Gaëtan Leblanc (winners). Series 5, Frédéric Kowalski – Loïc Lakota (finalists). Series 6, Jean-François Menne – Frédéric Périsse (winners).

Women’s Doubles: Series 3, Caroline Charron – Stéphanie Girma (finalists). Series 4, Laura Soutiat Bony – Cléa Zajac (winners) and Karen Gauthier – Maéva Mandine (finalists).

2023-12-07 04:40:23
#badists #gathered #Issoire


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