Steven Gallen: Breaking Barriers and Pursuing Passion in Mister Handi Competition

Steven Gallen: Breaking Barriers and Pursuing Passion in Mister Handi Competition

Par Editorial Locminé
Published on Dec 6, 23 at 5:16 p.m. See my news Follow La Gazette du Center Morbihan

Steven Gallen, 38, who lives in Grand-Champ in Morbihan will enter the Mister Handi competition on May 11 in Hauts-de-France. His parents live in Colpo. He has two brothers and a sister.

He met his wife at the station

From a young age, from the age of 8, he was placed in a medical-educational institute in Séné until the age of 20. Then, in 2005, he changed establishment to work at Esat du Prat until 2013. He mainly packaged chips.

It was from there that he met his future wife, Émilie, at Vannes station, where he was distributing chips. “When I met Émilie, I missed my bus,” he remembers.

At the age of 28, in January 2013, he arrived at Esat Addequat in Grand-Champ. He settled in Colpo. He maintained various premises for some time.

Since then, he has packaged various food products.

French judo champion

On August 19, he married Émilie Derbre, who also works at Esat and does ironing. The couple has been living at the Équilibre residence in Grand-Champ for 2 years. “Before we moved in together, we saw each other every weekend at Colpo,” says Steven.

Steven has been practicing judo for 7 years in the town. He holds the brown belt. And he is even the 2022 French disabled sports champion! This year, he once again reached the podium in the same competition, but this time, on the third step.

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Steven works with Marlène Balpe, within Esat Addequat who will also enter the Miss Handi France competition (read our November 30 edition). “It was Marlène who motivated me to register. She had to find a partner. A file had to be filled out. I got help from Françoise Bouché-Pillon. »

Like Marlène, Steven will represent Brittany in the Mister Handi competition on May 11, 2024 in Hauts-de-France. All regions are represented. Steven who received his scarf and is very motivated.

I wish to demonstrate that my disability situation does not prevent me from reaching out to others, nor from integrating into a group to pursue my hobbies and passions.

Steven Gallen.

Steven is also an ambassador for Morbihan regarding accessibility to adapted sport.”

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Reach out to others

Like Marlene, her disability is invisible. “We must therefore go further towards others. You must not remain closed in on yourself,” explains the man who prides himself on being in a town where disability is very widely taken into account, particularly in terms of accessibility.

Moreover, Steven was able to benefit from housing that met his needs while having access to the resources and services offered by the municipality.

Steven will enter the competition without hesitation. “My family is very proud of me. It is Françoise Bouché-Pillon who will take me to the competition. I will appear and participate in four fashion shows: in a suit, in a swimsuit, in a summer outfit and in a surprise outfit.”

Presenting himself next May is a source of great pride for him. “It’s about surpassing myself, it’s an important step for me and this competition will give me self-confidence. »

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2023-12-06 22:18:51
#Morbihan #Steven #enter #Mister #Handi #competition


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