Starting swimming in the pool: the 5 questions before diving into the water

Starting swimming in the pool: the 5 questions before diving into the water

Start swimming in the pool it’s a very good intention.
Swimming in the pool is perfect for those who want to let off some steam after an intense day of work or study, tone up their muscles a little, do a cardio activity that keeps their heart and lungs in shape, burn some calories and general give an active routine to your life. All this knowing that swimming pool water is objectively at very low Covid risk.
However starting swimming in the pool cannot be improvisedthe risk of giving up quickly is very high, and before starting it is good to keep in mind some useful tips to do things well.

5 questions before starting swimming in the pool

Among the tips to take into account when you want start with swimming in the pool There are certainly good considerations for the time you have available, the reason why you want to swim regularly, when you can go swimming during the day and other no less important points.

Why start with pool swimming?

Motivation is essential, and it is important that it is clear from the start. It’s not enough to say “I’m going to swim in the pool to keep fit” because then you risk going in circles, without appreciable consequences and, over time, with less and less motivation. So before packing your bag and entering a swimming pool, it’s a good idea to have your objective clear: To distract yourself and have fun? Release stress? Lose weight? Improve technique? Improve performance? Tone your muscles? Each of these objectives requires a different approach, from the freedom to go when you can and have time to enrolling in a course or being followed by a coach. Clear goals = great motivation.

How often can I go swimming in the pool?

The time available greatly influences the achievement of our goals. By being able to go to the pool to swim only once a week you can’t expect to improve your style or times, but you can have fun and let off some steam. Likewise go to the pool 3 times or more a week just to soak would be a waste of time, and then it would really be worth trying to do something more.
Similarly, with less than 3 hours a week available for swimming, it is really difficult to think about losing weight through swimming or toning up the muscles a little, and then you have to be content with letting off some stress and tension without paying too much attention to the mirror and scales.

What level do I start from?

Also Your starting level has a big impact on expectations and, consequently, on gratification and satisfaction. If you are starting from scratch, that is, not only have you never done swimming regularly but not even anything else to keep fit, know that yes, swimming has many advantages (like these) but you will still need consistency and tenacity to be able to swim regularly and for distances sufficient for yours fitness (i.e. at least a couple of km each time, which in a 50 meter pool makes about forty laps).
Or you could already be fit, for example because you run or cycle, and maybe you want to try a triathlon, but having breath for running and cycling is not the same as having it for swimming, and even the muscles involved are not the same: yes can do, but it’s better to know before running into any difficulty.
Or you go back to swimming after a long break, and then your head tells you one thing but your body reacts in another way, and you have to arm yourself with a lot of patience to find your automatisms again.

What swimming style do I know?

Non-trivial detail. For many fitness programs, from losing weight to toning, the best thing is to dedicate yourself to mixed, that is, training sessions in which all styles alternate, from free to backstroke, from breaststroke to dolphin. But if you know just one well it could be more of a problem than a solution, because swimming badly means getting hurt, and then before going all out with quantity it would be better to think about improving the technique, i.e. the quality.

Do I have the right equipment?

Of everything you can put in your bag to go to the pool, in the end There are 3 really important things in terms of equipment: goggles, cap and costume. Not that it is necessary to spend immediately on the top of the range, but knowing how real glasses for swimming in the pool are made, how to choose a comfortable cap and what swimsuit to use is already a good starting point to avoid losing patience.
Photo by Richard R. Schünemann on Unsplash

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2023-12-01 12:53:18
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