Stanley Johnson: From the NBA to the G League and Back Again?

There are players who, when left without a team, find it difficult to remember that they are still there, and in that list we can include Stanley Johnson who, after eight consecutive seasons in the NBA, is currently in the G League.

The 27-year-old forward was fired by the San Antonio Spurs in February 2023 and no franchise has had him since; However, that situation could soon change according to the information handled by Michael Scotto of Hoopshypewho assures that the Sacramento Kings’ affiliated team, the Stockton Kings, are negotiating to acquire his rights.

Although this move does not mean that he will have a place in the Californian franchise, it does in any case represent an opportunity, since it shows that there are still teams interested in him, and in this case it is one that has a free spot in your template.

Regarding Johnson’s most recent performance in the NBA, last year he played 30 games with the aforementioned Texas organization to score 5.8 points, 3.2 rebounds and 2.2 assists with 45 percent in triples. He can be a useful player, something that the Phoenix Suns and Golden State Warriors also thought, the two teams that tested him in the summer.

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(Photo by Carmen Mandato/Getty Images)

2023-12-06 10:00:00
#chance #Stanley #Johnson


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