South Korea’s Olympic Delegation Signs Contract for 2024 Training Base Camp at Citésports

South Korea’s Olympic Delegation Signs Contract for 2024 Training Base Camp at Citésports

Par Julien Van Caeyseele
Published on Dec 5, 23 at 1:00 p.m. See my news Follow La République de Seine et Marne

A year ago, a memorandum of understanding had already been signed. It’s now official. The South Korean Olympic delegation and the Récréa group – parent company of Citésports – signed, Thursday, November 30, 2023, the contract for the privatization of sports and aquatic equipment within the CNSD (National Defense Sports Center) .

South Korea’s base camp at Citésports for the 2024 Olympics

According to the delegation of this country which is used to shining during the Olympics, nearly 360 athletes will be able to pass through this base camp, in the middle of the Pays de Fontainebleau.

“We are delighted to contribute to the preparation of your athletes,” said Laurent Louyot, director of operations at Récréa. Citésports is an exceptional site dedicated to high performance, which will, I hope, lead your athletes to success. »

Archery, fencing, badminton, taekwondo and even table tennis: here are the disciplines in which the South Koreans shine, who will be involved in 20 disciplines.

“During the Olympics in London, we established a similar base camp and it was successful with us with 13 gold medals (30 in total, editor’s note),” recalls Chang Jae-Keun, head of the Korean national training center and himself a former athlete, specialist in the 100 and 200 m.

He also mentioned the points that made him opt for Fontainebleau: “In Korea, we have an entity similar to the CNSD and the environment seemed particularly suited to training, but also to daily life, with an exceptional setting. It was also the equipment that made the difference. »

During the reception of the Korean delegation, General Paul Sanzey, commander of the CNSD of Fontainebleau, recalled the “deep ties of friendship between France and Korea, in particular with the French UN battalion, during the Korean War. »

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On the agglomeration side, the president, Pascal Gouhoury welcomes “the success of a territorial candidacy” and recalls that “the Pays de Fontainebleau is a land of champions”.

The site closed to the public from July 9 to August 11, 2024

Laurent Roussel, in charge of tourism, also recalled the potential of the territory to attract Korean tourists, but also announced “a year 2024 dedicated to Korea with many activities”.

The signing will, however, have an impact on public access. During the entire duration of the privatization of the site, the general public will not have the possibility of accessing Citésports facilities, from July 9 to August 11, 2024

This is the second delegation to sign an agreement for an installation in Fontainebleau. In mid-October, the Irish athletics federation had already signed an agreement with the Pays de Fontainebleau, in order to ratify the reception of Irish athletes at the Mahut stadium.

The CNSD will be one of the nerve centers during the Olympic and Paralympic Games since the two flames will pass through the Bellifontain military center, on July 20 and August 27 respectively.

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2023-12-05 12:00:02
#Paris #Olympic #Games #South #Korean #delegation #settle #Fontainebleau


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