Serie A, injury massacre: 14 on the last day alone


The 17th round of the championship saw many players leave early due to muscular problems, not to mention those already out due to various physical problems

24 dic 2023

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It will be a Christmas in the infirmary for many, too many footballers A league. The last round of the championship left a legacy of very high number of injuries: they had a good time 14 those recorded during the matches of the 17th day, which are added to those already reported in the previous weeks. Can the many commitments and the temperatures, which have not even been so low in recent days, be enough to explain such a massacre?

The first lump sums linked to muscle problems, early on Friday afternoon, were those of Immobile e Luis Alberto in Empoli-Lazio. Then it was the turn of Thorstvedt in Sassuolo-Genoa, followed by Tomori e Yes in Salernitana-Milan. Out prematurely too Beltran of Fiorentina e Kjaer of Milan, even if both suffered from minor traumatic injuries (a blow to the foot for the former, a ball with dizziness for the latter).

Sunday was the turn of Lirola, Baez (who also took over from Lirola himself) e Alex Sandro in Frosinone-Juventus, to which he also joined Manuel Locatelli (in his case a strong bruise). In Bologna-Atalanta it stopped Ndoye due to a flexor problem, in Rome-Napoli he instead fell to NATHAN e Lobotka: for both it was a traumatic injury (shoulder dislocation and rib fracture), but both will be forced to stop.

However, the stops should not be forgotten Lautaro, Dimarco e Churchwhich stopped during the week, as well as those of Okafor e He runs awayjust to mention the most recent ones.

Many are now wondering about reasons for all these knockouts: the conditions of playgrounds in Serie A they very often leave something to be desired and this is certainly a factor, but it cannot be ruled out that the causes of some of them must be sought in more depth, perhaps in the athletic training or in recovery programs from more serious injuries. At Milan, perhaps the most decimated club of all, there has been talk for some time about changes and ongoing reflections on Pioli’s staff, just to give an example. What is certain is that this last day has left a legacy of disheartening numbers on which reflection is inevitable.


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2023-12-24 15:46:29
#Serie #injury #massacre #day


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