Santiago Bernabeu Stadium to Host NFL Regular Season Match in 2024

Santiago Bernabeu

One of the pleasant news that this end of the year 2023 and beginning of 2024 will leave us has to do mainly with the fact that the stadium of the Real Madrid, the Santiago Bernabéu, will be completely ready. A field whose main function is to host the white team’s matches. However, since it officially opens in the coming days, that utility will be expanded to become a leisure center to host events of all kinds.

Some of these events are already closed, such as the concerts of Taylor Swift or Duki. However, another series of large and stellar events could be incorporated to celebrate at the Real Madrid stadium starting next year 2024.


And this is precisely what we have been able to see first-hand at Bernabéu Digital. Real Madrid has a long list of offers so that its stadium has the best and most stellar events once its inauguration takes place at the end of December.

There has been a lot of speculation about the possibility of hosting tennis, NBA or practically any sport matches, not to mention the 2030 World Cup final. However, there is an event that can cause massive international ticket sales. that is becoming and that has to do with American football.

As we have learned from Bernabéu Digital, the National Football League (NFL), American football league, is considering using the Santiago Bernabéu as a stadium to host a regular season match starting in 2024. The idea is precisely that this will be the year in which this sport can be seen on Real’s field Madrid. However, they do not rule out the idea of ​​waiting until 2025 if there are no dates for then.


It is not the first time that the NFL travels to Europe, since this year without going any further it was possible to see a regular season game in London. The objective is the internationalization of a sport deeply rooted in the United States, but that takes on global overtones when the Super Bowl is celebrated. With the certainty that it will be played in Spain, and with the organization’s idea that the Santiago Bernabeu be its headquarters, it remains to be seen the date and the rivals that will set foot in the Real Madrid stadium in the future.

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2023-12-04 15:30:43
#INFO #NFL #thinking #Bernabéu #host #game


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