Rioting fans: “Hansa Rostock is playing on probation in the second half of the season”

Rioting fans: “Hansa Rostock is playing on probation in the second half of the season”

2. Bundesliga Rioting fans

“FC Hansa is playing on probation in the second half of the season”

Status: 19.12.2023 | Reading time: 2 minutes

The riots by Rostock fans in Paderborn are causing waves in the state government. The Hansa club management should be summoned as soon as possible to deal with the events. Rostock’s mayor even fears for the city’s good reputation.

Hansa Rostock fans have repeatedly attracted attention in the past due to riots, violence and riots. Most recently, supporters rioted at the away game in Paderborn. During the 3-0 defeat last Friday, fans sparked fights that left several people injured, threw objects at police officers and dismantled drinks and snack bars in the stadium.

After the riots in the away game, the state government of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania announced consequences. “We cannot and will not go back to business as usual. “Now we have to take consistent measures to curb the violence,” said Sports Minister Stefanie Drese (SPD) after a cabinet meeting on Tuesday in Schwerin.

Hansa fans set off fireworks in Paderborn, attacked police officers and caused significant property damage

Source: dpa/David Inderlied

The riots in Paderborn, which caused material damage of more than 100,000 euros, are another low point. “The DFL and the DFB have to consider whether they should even allow clubs that have fans who are prone to such violence into other stadiums. We will send the invoice to Hansa Rostock. There’s nothing we can do about it,” said Paderborn’s managing director Martin Hornberger. The game had to be interrupted twice. “We had players who didn’t want to go out because they were afraid and felt very depressed,” said Hornberger.

Mayor fears for the city’s reputation

The riots have reached politics in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Rostock’s mayor Eva-Maria Kröger fears damage to the image of the entire city. “What has happened to FC Hansa in the past few weeks is damaging all of Rostock. “Unfortunately, we are on the path to a few squandering the hard-earned reputation of our city,” said the left-wing politician to the “Ostsee-Zeitung”.

Sports Minister Stefanie Drese has announced that she will summon Hansa’s club management for discussion and processing. “The damage to the club, city and country is huge. The club’s image is at a worrying low,” said Drese. The announcement by Hansa’s CEO Robert Marien that identified violent perpetrators would be banned from stadiums was welcomed. “FC Hansa is playing on probation in the second half of the season. The only thing that counts is results on and off the pitch,” said Drese.


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