Remembering Guido Napolitano: A Basketball Legend’s Legacy

One of the most important figures in regional basketball has passed away at the age of 85, after a long illness. He has achieved success and recognition in every role he has held. He won with JuveCaserta, he made Kalati Maddaloni great

The world of regional basketball mourns, united and moved, the death of Guido Napolitano, a great basketball character from Campania, loved and respected by all. A leading figure in the basketball movement for over half a century he has achieved success and recognition in all the positions he held. The professor. Napolitano passed away at the age of 85 after a long illness cared for by his wife and his inseparable children, Domenico and Massimowho have admirably followed in their father’s footsteps in the world of segmented ball.

Guido Napolitano as a Libertas Maddaloni player

Player, coach, popularizer, teacher, talent discoverer and promoter of a thousand initiatives in his Maddaloni with the most precious gem of the Kalati Basket, a women’s team capable of reviving the great glories of basketball in the city. The terrible girls, coached by him, who were able to grind out successes starting from the youth categories up to the big national tournaments. It is no coincidence that in the hours following the news of his passing, social media was literally invaded by messages of heartfelt condolences from colleagues and above all former basketball players, who grew up with the professor’s teachings. Guido.

In the role of coach, Guido Napolitano he wrote important pages in the history of JuveCaserta being their coach from 1970 to 1972 and leading the Bianconeri to promotion to Serie B at the beginning of the knight’s glorious epic Giovanni Maggiò. As a player he lived through the golden age of Maddalonese basketball Freedomin the building in via Marconi together with unforgettable champions such as Rifle and Iodice. Many awards have characterized a career that has often been applauded at a national level.

As coach of Giovanni Maggiò’s JuveCaserta (Kalati Facebook page)

Last August, the moments that characterized his work at JuveCaserta also appeared in the docufiction “Street urchins forever” broadcast by RaiDue. A noble father of basketball but above all of sport seen as training and growth of young people. The last farewell to Guido Napolitano is scheduled for December 29th at 3pm at the Church of the Annunziata in Maddaloni (the funeral home from 2pm).

Vincenzo Lombardi

2023-12-27 22:47:01
#Farewell #Guido #Napolitano #noble #father #Maddalena #basketball


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