Remembering Antonella Bigliotto: A Wonderful Woman and Her Impact in Kenya

“A wonderful person: very sweet, cheerful, always ready to take care of others. We met in Kenya years ago, when I worked in a tourist village: I caught malaria (it can happen in Africa) and she looked after me as if I were a child, preparing soups for me every day. Antonella was special, she will be missed by everyone who knew her.” Gigi Vallelunga67 years old, remembers this way Antonella Bigliottoa 79 year old Milanese man who lost his life yesterday in a car accidentwho had just arrived in Africa together with her husband Alfredo Vismara, 75 years old, Judo champion and master who for years had been working in Kenya to help the very young through sport.

According to what was reported by, the portal for Italians in Kenya, the 79-year-old was returning with her husband to Malindi, to their second home: “The Milanese couple had recently arrived in Mombasa and was traveling on the transfer that from the airport, as always, would take them to Malindi to spend their holidays Christmas holidays and at the end of the year. Suddenly, near Kilifi, there was a collision with a truck. ” The woman could not have withstood the backlash while her husband escaped with some bruises.

L’Embassy of Italy in Kenya it immediately did its utmost to assist the former Italian champion and is following the case. “Unfortunately – we read again on the portal – in these days when Kenya sees theincrease in road accidents due to the movements of citizens, residents and thousands of tourists, we must mourn the passing of one of our compatriots. A dear hug and our deepest condolences to Alfredo.”

The man was much appreciated in Kenya, as was Antonella, “who always supported him. They were very close”, continues Vallelunga. Alfredo Vismara “he began practicing Judo in 1964 – it is reported on his personal website – at the Busen in Milan and quickly became a leading athlete; between 1967 and 1971 he was at the top of the category worldwide. In Italy, he held the position of Technical director in various sports organizations and is one of the founders ofFriends of Judo Association“. He also brought his passion to Kenya, supported by his wife.

“They felt at home in Malindi,” their friends repeat. “Antonella loved Africa”. Dozens write messages of condolence on Facebook. Among these, that of her friend Terry: “I heard you just before leaving for that “cursed” trip.

You were happy, you were finally coming back and, finally, Alfredo could stay with you for the whole month! I think of the many moments shared in Kenya, I think of your generosity, I think of your many sufferings in recent years, I think of you, my friend, I will miss you very much, too much. May the journey be easy for you.” Many gather around him Alfredo: “My dearest friend, I join in your pain. I will never forget your Antonella: a big hug”. “Master I just found out and I didn’t want to believe it, I’m close to you”.

2023-12-23 04:27:24
#Africa #felt #home #helped


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