Registration Opens for Kima Trophy Qualifying Races: Livigno Skymarathon and Grigne Skymarathon

Registration reserved for the 200 finishers of the two qualifying races for the Kima Trophy opens on Friday 1 December. These are Livigno Skymarathon and Grigne Skymarathon. Up for grabs, 100 places per race.

The remaining 150 bibs will be up for grabs on Friday 12 January. Securing a bib for the most technical and spectacular race in the entire Alpine range is not easy. The credentials required are a good amount of experience and a minimum of ITRA points (. The undertaking, however, is far from easy: there are 350 bibs available and for the latest edition more than 2000 requests were received from all over the world The 2023 finishers of Livigno Skymarathon and Grigne Skymarathon, however, will have direct access to registration without going through the draw. Their place on the grid will not be determined by the placement obtained in Livigno and Pasturo, but by the speed in registering. Friday at 9am on the website this first window officially opens and will close on December 31st.

30 nov 2023 – 13:03

Annalisa Purchasepace

2023-12-01 02:31:48
#Kima #Trophy #registrations #open


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