Real Madrid’s Walter Tavares Responds to Erling Haaland’s Frustration on Social Media

Real Madrid’s Walter Tavares Responds to Erling Haaland’s Frustration on Social Media

He enfado de Erling Haaland After the match that Manchester City ended up drawing against Tottenham, and that the Norwegian striker transferred to social networks with a commented message on X (Twitter), he found a response in Walter Tavares.

“Wtf” Haaland wrote in X to criticize Simon Hooper’s decision to annul the play in which Grealish could have decided the match and in which the referee decided not to grant the advantage law.

“WTF” is the abbreviation of the vulgarism ‘What the fuck‘, used as colloquial slang in English, which could be translated as but what the hell?, what the hell? what the hell, what the hell? or but what are you telling me?

Walter Tavares, a Real Madrid center who on occasion has also complained about some refereeing decisions, also commented on Haaland’s “WTF” in X.

“I understand you, life is hard”wrote the 2.20 m center. and 31 years old sharing several smile emojis.

The dunks on my face are very funny, but worry about other things; how something serious happened to me

Walter Tavares and 2022

In January 2021, Tavares, after a match against Baxi Manresa, complained in There are those who laugh because I am honest with you and I play hard without deceiving you.

2023-12-05 04:55:25
#understand #life #hard


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