Rastorgujev’s Performance at Biathlon World Cup: A Recap

Rastorgujev started with number 31, starting the race exactly two minutes after the sprint winner and race leader Philip Navrat from Germany.

The Latvian biathlete came in the 29th position in the first shooting and, having successfully shot all five targets lying down, he rose to 23rd place, but after the second shooting lying down, in which he managed to shoot all the targets again, he was in the 25th position. Standing in the first shooting, the Latvian did not make it to the penalty rounds, which allowed him to move up to 22nd place.

In the last shooting, the Latvian had two penalty rounds, which prevented the Latvian from fighting for a place in the top twenty.

At the finish, Rastorgujev lost three minutes and 6.6 seconds to the winner, while he had the 32nd fastest step on the track.

Leader Navrat had built up a 44-second advantage after both recumbent shootings, but after one penalty lap in the first standing shooting, his lead over the nearest follower, Sweden’s Samuelsson, was reduced to 16.8 seconds, while he was only 7.6 seconds ahead of the Swede before the final firing line.

In the final shooting, both Navrats and Samuelson earned one penalty lap each, and immediately after completing the penalty lap, the Swedish biathlete took the first position, rapidly increasing the advantage over the German.


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