Possible Return of Paolo Guerrero to Racing: Looking for a New Nine

Possible Return of Paolo Guerrero to Racing: Looking for a New Nine

Paolo Guerrero in Racing did not leave a great memory. He left recently, less than six months, and one can already think of a possible return. The paths intersect and the path seems paved. Given the arrival of Gustavo Costas, which represents a change in scheme, it is very possible that they will start playing with two forwards. That is why the brand new coach has already warned the leadership to go in search of an area forward to accompany Roger Martínez. A priori, both Nicolás Reniero and Maximiliano Romero do not seem to be options. At least from the beginning. Then, depending on what happens in the transfer market, it will be seen if they are taken as alternatives.

The Academy is looking for a nine and the Peruvian is free of action. After six months in the Quito League, where they won a South American Cup and a local league, their relationship ends until the end of this month. And although his name did not come out from Avellaneda, or at least no one put it on the table, it was the player himself who ran and applied to wear the light blue and white colors again. “I know Professor Costas, who was the manager of Alianza Lima. The reality is that in Racing they treated me very well, it was beautiful to go out on the field with that fan,” he began by saying in dialogue with @dsportsradio. And then he finished off as in his best moments: “If they call me, I won’t rule out coming back.”

The curious thing is that just a couple of days ago, in the midst of celebrating his local title in Ecuador, Paolo Guerrero did not leave a good phrase for Racing fans. Despite the fact that his anger was more with Gago and because he didn’t name him, he put his name above the club. To seek to defend himself or stand out, he boasted that thanks to him the team was doing well. And the first semester was not good at all…

More of what Paolo Guerrero said about Racing

With several gears down, in a conciliatory tone and knowing that he may be opening a door, the nine who passed by the Academy told of his feelings about an unexpected departure. Suddenly, from one day to the next, and when it was needed most. “I would have liked to stay in Racing. I decided to leave because I saw that I was not going to play with continuity. In Ecuador the coach gave me continuity and confidence and there I was able to return to my level. My contract with the League is already over,” he explained.

Paolo Guerrero in Racing did not perform

Furthermore, Paolo Guerrero made it clear that his racing career had nothing to do with winning money, far from it. “I didn’t go to Racing for money, the reality is that I didn’t have a good salary. “My goal was to win the Libertadores.”, he assured. And she also told the talk she had with Gago. Not once but several times. “I talked to Gago on several occasions. The truth is that I was happy in Racing, but I needed to play, that’s why I had to talk to the president,” she said. Now, without Gago and with Costas, knowing that they are looking for a nine, she threw the rod to see if there is a bite. You can back? In Racing at the moment his name does not run…

2023-12-21 02:15:00
#Paolo #Guerrero #returning #Racing


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