Peñarol defeated Nacional 3-2 and became Uruguayan Champion

FútbolUy. Followed on Twitter @futbolportaluy

Peñarol beat Nacional 3-2 at Parque Palermo and became the Uruguayan Champion of women’s soccer. In the first leg, it was a 3-1 Carbonera victory, so the Aurinegras were crowned with a 6-3 aggregate.

The start of the match was affected as criminals were present outside the stage to commit acts of vandalism. The individuals threw thunder bombs towards the golden stands that affected the health of a soccer player’s family member. In addition, they beat a woman, threw stones and broke the windows of some vehicles.

Tricolor had the first game situation at 3 minutes, when Cecilia Gómez tried to surprise, took a free kick from very far away and decided to shoot at the goal, but Vanina Sburlati, well positioned, kept the ball without problems.

The scoring opened when just 8 minutes had passed. After an error in the clearance by goalkeeper Andrea Morán, Lucía Flores fought, won, overshot and located Pilar González with a cross, who took care of inflating the nets.

The pockets advanced several meters on the field to try to get into the game, since they had to score three goals to force overtime. At 9′, Solange Lemos tried from distance, but the shot went high.

In five minutes, at 10′ and 15′, Anna Cola wasted two very clear chances. The first was a one-on-one that happened very close to the Carbonero right post, while in the second she was enabled in a great way by Rocío Martínez, but she, located inside the small area, was unable to define.

The Mirasols tried to get out of the way and managed to play their game. Flores had a chance for him in the 17th minute, although he was unlucky. The tricolor response was through Cecilia Gómez, who, with the same resource, tried again from afar in the face of Sburlati’s good response, on two occasions.

When 20 minutes had passed, once again Cecilia Gómez (the pocket figure in the first half) finished off a free kick, Lemos appeared halfway, looking to surprise and deflect the ball, but was unable to do so. The dawns insisted and pushed.

The security between the three sticks, backed by key saves, of the Mirasol goalkeeper Vanina Sburlati was the main reason why Testas’ team could not find equality.

During the first half it went down as the minutes went by. In the last situation of the first half, Wendy Carballo, with a penalty, was in charge of increasing the score for the carboneras, something that practically liquidated the match and the championship. The incident occurred after an infringement by Sofía Acosta on Julieta Morales.

About 52 minutes into the match, Morales took advantage of goalkeeper Morán’s mistake at the start, after a corner kick, and took care of inflating the nets, declaring the score 3-0.

Although Bolso played with an extra player starting in the 57th minute, as a result of the expulsion of Daiana Farías in Aurinegro, she felt the emotional blow of the third goal received.

The truth was that the mirasols were closer to scoring the fourth goal than the tricolors to discounting and dreaming of getting into the game. Mid-distance shots by Josefina Villa and Morales passed close to Morán’s goal.

Almost reaching the end of the match, precisely at 84 minutes, Yamila Badell was in charge of taking a penalty that was blocked by Vanina Sburlati, but on the rebound Anna Cola converted the discount for Nacional.

At 88′, due to a handball from Pilar Vera, the main referee again awarded a penalty in favor of the tricolors. This time, captain Ángela Gómez took care of finishing it off, converting it into a goal and making it 3-2.

Andrea Morán; Martina Terra, Sofía Acosta, Alison Latúa; Ángela Gómez, Rocío Martínez (53′ Martha Figueredo), Sofía Ferrada (53′ Yamila Badell), Solange Lemos, Cecilia Gómez (68′ Dolores Brescia); Guillermina Grant and Anna Cola. DT:
Diego Testas.

PEÑAROL: Women Sburlati; Micaela Dominguez, Sasha Larrea, Daiana Farias, Stephanie Tregartten; Josefina Villa (68′ Pillar Vera), Agustina Nunez, Julieta Morales (68′ Jemina Rolfo), Pilar Gonzalez; Wendy Carballo (74′) Erika Vidiella. DT: Cecilia Santo.

Goals: 8′ Pilar González (P), 45+2′ Wendy Carballo (P), 52′ Julieta Morales (P), 84′ Anna Cola (N) and 88′ Ángela Gómez (N)
Yellow: 37′ Anna Cola (N) and 45+2′ Rocío Martínez (N)
Roja: 56′ Daiana Farías (P)
Basketball court: Palermo Park.

FútbolUy. Followed on Twitter @futbolportaluy

FútbolUy – Montevideo Portal

2023-12-10 21:41:00
#Peñarol #defeated #Nacional #Uruguayan #Champion


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