Pelicans victory, the words of Zion Williamson and CJ McCollum

Zion Williamson, winger of the New Orleans Pelicans, expressed confidence in the strength of his team after the success against the Kings: “We looked at each other and said, ‘We’re good’”.

CJ McCollum stressed the importance of staying calm: “The key was not to let it get you down.” Coach Willie Green emphasized the team’s confidence and collaboration: “The biggest thing I saw in that game was confidence. Our guys stuck together.”

Finally, Kevin Huerter of the Sacramento Kings admitted the difficulty of facing the Pelicans: “The construction of their roster, with their size and depth of shot, makes them a unique and difficult challenge.”

2023-12-05 09:35:13
#Pelicans #victory #words #Zion #Williamson #McCollum


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