Paulina Pérez Buforn, player of the Spanish handball team: “We are in the World Cup to win and we want to look high”

Paulina Pérez Buforn, player of the Spanish handball team: “We are in the World Cup to win and we want to look high”

The Ibizan Paulina Pérez Buforn, international player with the absolute spanish handball teamlives these days with enormous happiness and with great joy his first experience as a full member of ‘Las Guerreras’ in her long-awaited debut with the national team in a World Championship.

At 26 years old, the Ibizan player of the Club Balonmano Porriñofrom the Women’s Honor Division, the highest national category, is enthusiastic about the historic opportunity that coach Ambros Martín has given her, who has placed great trust in her to play a prominent role as one of the essential pieces of his team. team in the World Cup in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

I know what my tasks are and what my role is. And I think I am contributing a lot in that facet, which is what I hope to be able to continue doing, to be counted on because I really contribute. That is the aspiration of every team player, of someone who knows how to always put the team ahead of her individual performance, which, in this case, I think is being very good for the group,” Paulina Buforn declares with confidence.

Thus, after his brilliant debut this Wednesday with Spain in the World Cup event that took place at the Arena Nord in Frederikshavn (Denmark), with victory for ‘Las Guerreras’ on the first day of competition against Kazakhstan by 34-17 and with a contribution of three goals by the Ibizan athlete, Paulina Buforn highlights Diario de Ibiza, from the Prensa Ibérica group, which He is living this international event to the fullest and with really good feelings.

“My feelings after making my debut for Spain are very good, as they have been during all these last weeks of preparation. I think that the group has been at a very high level and that it has started very well,” says the right winger from Pitiusa, at the same time who also values ​​the good atmosphere that reigns in the Spanish concentration: “The atmosphere is excellent and the technical-tactical approach that has been made for us is like a tailored suit. There is confidence and motivation in the group. There is a mix of experience and people who are debuting, but who come in with great enthusiasm, and I think it is a very good combination. Personally, I’m very calm.”

Focused on living in the present

Regarding her World Cup experience, Paulina Buforn affirms that He is living it “in a happy way”, since he believes that “it is the best way to do it.”

“I am living this experience with ‘Las Guerreras’ thinking only about the present, since a long time ago I stopped thinking in the long term with handball and, in general, with other situations,” says the island player, while declares: “Since then I enjoy it much more. I live in the present in every concentration that I have had the opportunity to attend and I have enjoyed it. I think that is what allows me to be calm and focused now. And I think that is important , since debuting at 26 years old has to have these types of advantages. What I hope from this World Cup experience is that the team believes in every game in the opportunity to win them. And I am convinced and sure that with this desire, with this determination and by becoming very strong in defense we will be able to scratch and go far, of course. We are here to win and Spain is a team to win. We want to look very high because that is what is going to put us there, although the important thing is It’s day to day.”

Given the indisputable fact of being today the great standard-bearer of all handball in Ibiza, Paulina Buforn recognizes that for her “it is a source of pride”, while at the same time it means “a great responsibility”.

“That is something that I also take on with joy because it seems to me to value all the work that Puig d’en Valls did when I was little and also all the support I received from my family at the time, as well as the sacrifice What it has meant for me all these years to be away from home, to fight to improve at any cost, even to go abroad and live that experience, in addition to continue fighting every day with enthusiasm. I think it is something very beautiful, that I live with joy and that I hope to soon be able to share with many other people because I think that this, although it takes a lot of work, can be achieved. And I think that in Ibiza the work is good and can be even better,” admits the Ibiza player, who also adds: “I think it is very good for all the girls and boys on the island to see that With work and effort you can get where you want to go.. And I would tell the young people on the island who are starting handball now to enjoy it, have a good time and find in this sport something that invites them to jump out of bed and beg their parents to take them to train and who always want more. I think that enjoying is the key because it is when we grow and when our best version comes out, which is the good thing about sport, in addition to the fact that it is health and values, and it is what you have left later for life and for everything you you do”.

2023-12-01 07:45:39
#Paulina #Pérez #Buforn #player #Spanish #handball #team #World #Cup #win #high


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