Passalacqua Ragusa interrupts the positive streak

Ragusa interrupts the positive streak and does so at the end of a beautiful and intense match against Famila Schio of the eternal Giorgia Sottana, who ultimately scored 22 points and a more than eloquent 6 out of 8 from beyond the arc.

The home team started very well both in attack and defense with Chidom and Spreafico putting in an excellent performance despite the physical problems they had during the week. Ragusa runs, Schio tries to play the ball inside, but the hosts have the upper hand and Passalacqua even reaches the maximum advantage of 14 points before the Venetians get closer at the end of the second quarter. At the break the score is 39-33.

The music changes in the third quarter. Schio no longer plays the ball in the post but goes from the perimeter and is deadly with Keys and Sottana. Crippa scores the guest’s first advantage from the corner, Spreafico tries to keep up with every attack from the guest team who then escapes definitively in the fourth half. Schio wins 69-80.

“It’s been a difficult week – underlines coach Lardo at the end of the match – with Chidom and Spreafico who didn’t train well in the last two days but the medical staff managed to get them back on the pitch. These girls have a fantastic heart, they showed that they were playing good basketball as long as they had it, they are showing great attachment and all of this was evident especially in the first half. Unfortunately there wasn’t the energy to get to the end. It will be difficult to manage the week, let’s see how Chidom and Spreafico will emerge from this match, obviously we are going to Venice to bring points but we will have to consider the girls’ physical appearance a lot. I want to thank the public so much because they gave us a lot.”

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2023-12-04 09:20:04
#Passalacqua #Ragusa #interrupts #positive #streak


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