Paganese-Cavese, Cup D: making the insignificant insignificant

Paganese-Cavese, Cup D: making the insignificant insignificant

Let’s be clear, because it would seem like blasphemy put like this: in reality and potentially, the one between Paganese and Cavese is a competition for other and high stages; However, if you insert it into the already less than exciting scenario that is the Serie D Italian Cup, on a day of the week, at 2.30pm when most of the fans are working, and what’s more it is completely mortified by prohibiting the fans from traveling guests, it is clear that of everything that could have been, only a melancholic nothingness of regret remains.

The Paganese fans honor the match and have inevitably highlighted these absurd measures which debase the meaning of the derby. The match on the pitch ends in a goalless draw but Cavese prevails on penalties, thus flying to the round of 16 of the competition.

Pagani, “Marcello Torre” Stadium
Wednesday 29 November 2023, 2.30 pm
Italian Cup Serie D, Round of 32
Paganese-Cavese 0-0 (3-5 after penalties)

Photo by Davide Gallo

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2023-11-30 15:10:53
#PaganeseCavese #Cup #making #insignificant #insignificant


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