Novak Djokovic Opens Up About Rivalry with Rafael Nadal in 60 Minutes Interview

The interview of Novak Djokovic in ‘60 minutes‘has given a lot of talk and rightly so. The Serbian took advantage of that visit to leave good headlines, combing through various current issues and some others from the past. Among them, the story of his rivalry with Rafael Nadal at the beginning of his career, where the Serbian details everything that happened inside the locker room in those minutes before the match.

“I remember playing with him at Roland Garros, our ticket offices were next to each other, very close. We try to give ourselves space, but the locker room is not that big. You already know how Nadal performs those jumps before going out on the court, even in his locker room he does sprints along with his rivals. I could even hear what music he’s listening to on his headphones, all of that bothers me. I didn’t realize all this, which is actually a script, at the beginning of my career. There I felt intimidated, but he motivated me to show that he was ready for battle,” says the Serbian.

2023-12-11 09:21:42


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