Novak Djokovic Opens Up About Relationship with Federer and Nadal on ’60 Minutes’

A few weeks after explaining to Brand why he couldn’t be friends with Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic gave himself up for CBS News during the show “60 Minutes” on his relationship with his two biggest rivals.

“Personally, I would like it. I mean, I know obviously (laughs) we didn’t get along very well throughout our careers, especially off the court. And we’re not friends because we’re rivals and it’s hard as competitors to be very close and give insight into your life or how you feel because it could be used against you. But we shared the stage for so many years. And I think that the greatest respect is still there, at least on my side, towards them. So yes, I hope that one day, when the curtains are closed a little more, we can sit down and think. It would be formi­dable »declared the Serb.

2023-12-10 07:31:20
#ATP #Djokovic #honest #relationship #Nadal #Federer #didnt #careers #court #greatest #respect #part


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