Nicolas Seube “this hero”, new coach of SM Caen

After the ouster of Jean-Marc Furlan a few days ago, Stade Malherbe de Caen, currently 16th in Ligue 2, has just recruited its new coach… internally: it will indeed be Nicolas Seube.

At 44, he will take his first steps as a professional coach in a difficult context since the club has just gone 11 consecutive games without a victory. But the new coach has one asset to which the club is particularly attached: the unconditional love of the red and blue jersey. And for good reason, Nicolas Seube played no less than 517 matches in the club’s colors over 16 seasons, before ending his career in 2017. He is the player who has had the greatest longevity in the club! Which has already earned him the support of supporters who have long nicknamed him “Seube this hero”.

A coach without a diploma

There remains one downside: the new coach does not yet hold the Professional Football Coaching Certificate (BEPF), mandatory for coaching at this level. The club will therefore have to pay 12,500 euros in fines per match, at least until April, the date of the next examination session.

However, Nicolas Seube is far from being a novice on the bench. He, very quickly after the end of his career as a player, managed the U17s then the U19s of the club before becoming director of the Training center and notably taking these young people to the final of the Gambardella Cup, in 2022. He has been since then coach of the reserve team. It is now the long-awaited time for his big baptism among the pros. See you for his first test in the championship this Saturday, December 2 at the Ornano stadium for the reception of Bastia.


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