NFL Star Tyreek Hill Faces Paternity Issues: Three Children with Three Women in Four Months

Published21. December 2023, 3:57 p.m.

American Football: NFL Star Had Three Children With Three Women In Four Months

Miami player, Tyreek Hill is known for being productive on the field. He would also be in his private life.


Emmanuel Favre

Tyreek Hill is one of the stars of the Miami team.


Star player for the Miami Dolphins in the NFL championship, the professional American football league, Tyreek Hill (29) would have had three children with three women in four months.

Clarification: the candidate for the title of MVP (most valuable player) of the 2023 season did not have these children with his wife, Keeta Vaccaro, with whom he married in November.

According to information relayed by several American media, including the “New York Post”, the recipient is being pursued by two women who claim that he is the father of their child.

Brittany Lackner (30 years old) and Kimberly Baker (29 years old) accuse Hill of not properly providing for their children and demand child support higher than the $2,500 per month paid to each of the two mothers. The first became a mother in February 2023, the second in May of the same year.

A third lady, Camille Valmon, claims Hill was the father of her son born in March 2023 and insists the NFL player is a great father.

Hill, who earns $30 million per season, also has three children with his former partner.

2023-12-21 14:57:19
#NFL #Star #Children #Women #Months


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