NFL: Employee accused of stealing $22 million from Jaguars

Sport NFL

Jacksonville Jaguars employees allegedly stole $22 million

As of: 11:44 a.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

The Jacksonville Jaguars stadium

Those: USA TODAY Sports via Reuters Con

The Jacksonville Jaguars are worth $2.1 billion. Money that arouses desire. Apparently also among employees of the NFL club. An employee is said to have systematically stolen money for years. He spent the millions in a cliché way.

Here an envelope, there a ballpoint pen – if one or two items end up in your work bag at the office and find their way home, it is often treated as a trivial offense. But what a former employee of the NFL club Jacksonville Jaguars has done in recent years goes beyond all dimensions of theft from his employer.

The man is said to have stolen more than $22 million (20.41 million euros) over a period of four years by manipulating the company’s internal credit card program. This emerges from documents available to a court in Florida. Although the Jaguars were not named there, the football team confirmed in a statement that it was the company affected. In addition, Jacksonville stated that it had already terminated the contract with the employee last February.

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“As the indictment indicates, this individual was a former financial planning and analysis manager who exploited his position of trust to secretly and intentionally commit significant fraudulent financial activity at the expense of the team and derive personal benefit from it.” , the Jaguars announced.

Jaguars are worth $2.1 billion

The accused used the large-scale fraud to finance his expensive lifestyle. He is said to have spent a large part of the stolen sum on very expensive purchases. These reportedly included a condominium, a car, cryptocurrency, private jet charters, luxury hotel stays, a country club membership and luxury watches.

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22 million dollars is a sum that of course hurts even a rich NFL club. Entrepreneur Shahid Khan bought the Jaguars in 2012 for $770 million, and the brand’s current value is estimated at $2.1 billion.


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