New German Champions Crowned in the 2023 German Tennis Championships


The two new German champions for 2023 are called Nastasja Schunk and Patrick Play. Both were able to prevail against their opponents in two sets this Sunday. For a week, 96 tennis players fought for the biggest national tennis title in Biberach an der Riß.

by PM

last edited: December 10, 2023, 4:49 p.m

Patrick Zahraj prevailed in the final against two-time German champion Daniel Masur.

The men’s final turned into a real thriller. Daniel Masur went into the match against Patrick Zahraj as the favorite and quickly led 4-1. As a result, Zahraj was able to overcome his initial nervousness and shoot the first round. Things remained exciting in the second set. It wasn’t until the score was 5:5 that the 24-year-old broke away decisively by winning two consecutive games to make the final score 7:6 (3), 7:5.

The first-time German champion on his success: “It was a very competitive game. I was behind with breaks in both sets but managed to fight back. In the end, luck was on my side.” When asked about the tournament, in which he was able to beat the number one, three and five in the tournament, he said: “That is very special. Winning in the first round was good, but the fact that I can continue to build on it makes the title even more special.”

Nastasja Schunk defeated Stephanie Wagner in the final.

In the women’s final, Stephanie Wagner and Nastasja Schunk, who is supported in the Porsche Talent Team, faced off. Schunk, who was recently injured for a long time, showed a confident performance from the first rally. With a 1-0 set lead behind her, the 20-year-old won the first three games in the second round and quickly set the course for the 6:3, 6:2 final success.

“The win means a lot to me. It was a good end to a difficult year. I’ve been out for a long time and this is only my third tournament. That’s why I’m happy that I was able to manage the final well,” said a happy Schunk after the award ceremony.

Successful graduation in Biberach

This year the German Championships were held in Biberach for the last time. The DTB and the Württemberg Tennis Association (WTB) agreed on this after 15 events on Hermann-Volz-Straße.

At the last edition in the city in Upper Swabia, over 1,200 spectators came to the halls, over 20 volunteer helpers were on duty and the event was followed in German living rooms on Tennis Channel.

“We are enormously grateful to the WTB, the city of Biberach, the local sponsors and, above all, the numerous volunteers that the district base was home to the German championships for 15 years,” said DTB managing director Veronika Rücker. “Many big names from the national tennis scene have played here and been able to get their name on the winners’ list.”

Regarding the future of the German Championships, Rücker says: “We are in the process of developing a new format and would like to make the championships even more attractive for players, fans and sponsors. A new date is also being considered.” For this reason, there is currently no new organizer for a 2024 edition of the German Championships.

2023-12-10 15:45:00
#Zahraj #Schunk #German #champions


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