National Archery Tournament at Paraná headquarters: High expectations and record attendance

Great expectations are placed on the National Archery Tournament, which will take place at the headquarters of the Paraná Confederation from Friday, December 8 to Sunday, December 10. In this context, Elonce spoke with Diego Fontana, vice president of the Paraná headquarters.

Diego Fontana, vice president of the Paraná headquarters, announced enthusiastically: “With 250 shooters, we broke the attendance record. We want to encourage the entire public to come and learn about the sport.”

Fontana invited everyone to the event, highlighting: “Entry is free. On the club’s green grounds there will be a craft and food walk, turning the tournament into a family initiative so that people can enjoy the sport up close.”

Regarding the programming, he detailed: “On Friday it begins at 8 a.m. with a school tournament. On Saturday everyone competes, and on Sunday are the qualifying rounds that will define the keys for the national champion.”

Emphasizing the importance of the tournament, Fontana explained: “The shooters who come are the best, determined by the National Ranking, defining the national champion and who will make up the team next year.” Valentino, a 15-year-old competitor in the schools tournament, shared his excitement: “I have been practicing for two years, it is a passion. I can share it with family and friends. I come with my whole family to enjoy.”

Regarding the experience of the competition, Valentino added: “Warming up is crucial, we practice technique at short distances and we finish with 50 meters. Staying calm and applying what we have practiced is essential in this exciting sport.”

2023-12-05 23:58:58
#important #archery #tournament #held #Paraná #Deportivas


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