Municipality of Apetatitlán de Antonio Carvajal Becomes ‘Land of Champions’ with Million-Dollar Sports Unit Investment

The municipality of Apetatitlán de Antonio Carvajal, led by President Ángelo Gutiérrez Hernández, has established itself as “Land of Champions”, thanks to the million-dollar investment that the city council has made to rehabilitate and maintain the Sports Unit fields in optimal conditions. Antonio Carvajal, as well as supporting athletes and clubs from various disciplines.

Three sports representatives who prepare and play their matches in the Sports Unit of this municipality have become champions of different national and regional competitions, thanks to having sports spaces in conditions of high competition.

The Bulldogs de Tlaxcala American football team, which uses the grass of the Sports Unit as a training field and grill, became two-time champions in Texcoco, State of Mexico, in a tournament in which it competed with representatives from states such as Hidalgo, Puebla , State of Mexico and Morelos.

Likewise, the “Textileros” won the championship in the under 15 soccer category; Young people use the Sports Unit as a venue for training and tournament games in their different categories.

While the “Treck” baseball team from the municipality of Apetatitlán was crowned two-time champions, against the Marea Roja team, by a score of 10 to 8 at the Eligió Saga stadium in Apizaco.

In addition, the Belén Cultural Center hosted the State Judo Event, heading to the CONADE national games, hosting 200 athletes in children’s categories between 5 and 15 years old and the Belén sports team makes its presentation in the Tlaxcala league, with a participation of 30 athletes between 40 and 60 years of age and play in the Antonio Carvajal Sports Unit.

Likewise, the municipal administration held the second and third tournament of the Municipal Soccer League, women’s and men’s branches, delivering a financial prize pool of more than 20 thousand pesos in prizes, hosting 200 women and 500 men, who distributed prize bags. more than 80 thousand pesos.

This year, through the Sports Directorate, the Second Women’s Epic Marathon 20km 2023 was held, in which more than 200 women of all ages participated, in which a financial prize of more than 20 thousand pesos was distributed. among the winners.

The investment and activation of the various spaces, the Antonio Carvajal Sports Unit was certified as a Healthy Environment by the state health sector. It should be noted that to obtain this certification the facilities must be in optimal conditions, which is why constant maintenance is carried out.

All this and many other actions were part of the public policies implemented by this administration to carry out more and better actions in favor of the population.

2023-12-26 18:19:21
#municipality #Apetatitlán #established #Land #Champions


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