Man Admits to Assaulting Neighbor with Baseball Bat in Fit of Jealousy

For the involuntary blow inflicted on his neighbor, the 42-year-old man confirms the clumsiness of his action, “while the resident intervened in the brawl.” If for this second scene, the prosecution does not flinch, the song is very different for the acts committed against Vincenzo. The victim’s statements contradict what Jimmy said. Even stronger, the latter contradicted himself with his interview before the police where he admitted having had “a fit of jealousy because he suspected Vincenzo of looking at his wife too much.”

In front of the agents, Jimmy also admitted to having grabbed the baseball bat at his home. QED, estimates the prosecutor Broucke who requires a one-year prison sentence against the defendant already well known for his legal works since 1999. Without a lawyer and no longer entitled to a suspended sentence, Jimmy hopes to obtain a work sentence.

Judgment in early February.

2023-12-22 20:00:34
#Charleroi #jealous #companion #hits #baseball #bat


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