Madrid, key in the F1 revolution in 2026 – Start it, for God’s sake!

Madrid, key in the F1 revolution in 2026 – Start it, for God’s sake!

In just over two years, the F1 will undergo a revolution in technical and sporting matters and Madrid is part of that 180 degree turn that will revolutionize the grid, the cars and the stages of this sport.

Since Liberty Media took the reins of the exploitation of Formula 1 in 2017, it has not stopped expanding and providing new incentives to make the spectacle of single-seaters more attractive, both within the circuits and from the spectators’ living room around the world. the world.

Miami, Las Vegas have been routes that have recently been incorporated into the season calendar, responding to the intention of giving a boost to this automotive modality in the US. In fact, the next step is to make room on the grid for an American team, Cadillacled by a former F1 driver, Michael Andretti, son of a champion of this sport, Mario Andretti.

That is another of the keys to the revolution in 2026, the incorporation of two new teams. Cadillac and Audi They are the two brands that have expressed their interest in joining the grill, although this generates a lot of rejection among the rest of the teams who will see how their profits are reduced by having to distribute the cake among more diners.

New equipment and new technical standards. 2026 will be a year of changes, new engines and changes that will affect the aerodynamics of cars, which will allow the cars to be given a twist. The teams are already working on powertrains where the electrical part will take center stage, reaching fifty percent and where the chassis should be shorter and narrower, lightening the total weight.

And to launch this new era a stage, Madrid. Its unique and unprecedented layout and the philosophy of the project that seeks to transcend the spectacle of F1 beyond the asphalt make it an ideal example to materialize the business idea sought by the new bosses of this sport.

There are only a few details left, for the FIA ​​and the sports organizations to give their approval to the layout and the project, and for the future of Montmeló to be clarified as a possible venue, also, or not, for Formula 1.

Although the Government of Catalonia has shown maximum interest in retaining the event, it is no less true that it has been done after Madrid showed its interest in this competition. Isabel Día Ayusothe president of the Community of Madrid, has already wanted to settle any type of debate about this competition and at the same time she has opted for the event to be held in the capital, she has also wanted Barcelona to maintain its annual event that it has celebrating for almost four decades.

2023-12-14 14:29:55
#Madrid #key #revolution #Start #Gods #sake


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